Theories on what Revon is gonna do when he comes back?

Since its basically inevitable the he’s gonna show up again I wanna hear what peoples ideas for when, where, and what he’ll be doing when he shows up again, as well as what abilities he’ll have and how strong he’ll be when he shows up. Also whether or not y’all think he’ll be around longer than just a second encounter and if so what happens then?

Bro gonna come back on a flying white eyes as fire curse user

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jump us with 5 other people

he’s going to find the sword of morock’s fire and nuke the entire sea that we’re in

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honestly pretty likely that neviro would’ve talked him out of revenge. the cooler alternative is he realizes he also inherited the apocalypse bringer curse and proceeds to oneshot the protag

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i always tought he would manage to find his grandfather’s curse, just a weird feeling i had

If Neviro just talks him out of it, especially if he does it off screen, after the way our last encounter with Revon ended, I will be extraordinarily disappointed

Revon already left by the time Neviro gets back to Ravenna, revealed by another NPC there. So I dont think Neviro will simply talk him out of it

I feel like he’ll actually follow on that promise throughout the main story, just the way that chapter title describes it… “An Unsettling Promise”

And in the end, I think he’ll be the one that appears to mess everything up at the last second and unseals the final boss or whatever. He just comes across as the kind of idiot who would do that. Makes revenge plan without considering consequences. Great.

Something about the guy just feels punchable for some reason, and I think its because of this


Revon has no clue about the order, so in his eyes the MC is just a terrorist who brought ravenna to its downfall

kill us, probably with either the cloud curse or another one in ravenna’s vault

The Order could find him and make him join the ranks (they seem to be everywhere, they could find Revon first). They could make Revon believe any lie about Calvus, and I dont think he would doubt joining if he found out Calvus was with them (he really looks up to his brother)

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I feel like he’d try to kill our friends first to make us more miserable as him

that’d be interesting, but if he tries to fight morden he’s getting doom shroomed

He is going to cry

He did say he was going to kill all of our loved ones, so it makes sense he’d target them first rather than us.

Though, I feel like he’ll be gone for a while to undergo some training to be an actual threat. Im not even sure if he can even fight Iris head on.

For what we know he could become op considering what happens to characters after they disappear to train, for what we know shura could be miles stronger than calvus the next time we face him

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i imagine him being more comedic relief like ruby roger rather than an actual important part of the story. something about him just gives that vibe

their talk was really life changing

download (8)

i think it would end up where revon goes after MC, and then the order of (cant spell) jumps the MC without caring about calateral. depending on whether you were merciful or not you let revon get hit in the crossfire, or you help him out and try to make sure he doesn’t die. if he dies, he dies but understands why you killed calvus (reluctantly) or at the very least now knows what calvus could have done to him, or he lives and understands why you killed calvus because you saved him and he saw what the order did and coulda done to him (mc gets lasting injury, others are hurt). he makes you not wanted and might try to join you, but you tell him that a friend of yours is waiting at ravenna to make things right as well as telling him very brief history of winterveil.