Theos’s Grand Soup Shop!

Out of stock


image image but as compensation here

Ayyyy thank you. I need to go to the toilet now.

Eat the dragon flame first and then the rising Phoenix if you’d rather live…kind of

Alrighty then.

my god, so many options!
I’d like some tomato soup please

I’m sorry to tell you, but I’m no ordinary fish… I’M A FOOD CRITIC IN DISGUISE!!! Give me the tomato soup, along with your best dishes, Theos Lover, lets see how long you’ll survive in the endgame.

Along with the tomato soup, as a side, I’d like olive join, aged to perfection into oily goodness, slathered onto the finest garlic bread made of various premium spices and salts.

Why don’t you try the flame dragon pillar? You’ll die

ayo can i get a rising phoenix special


tastes like failure
just like the real rising phoenix

So you have chosen to insult every AA player, eat this

of course i know the aa player
hes me

Let’s see just how hot these are, I’ll take one of everything
