There are two types of arcane odyssey players

Both are funny to an extent, but personally I resonate with the latter option lol!!!


rule of cool: fire is better than shadow

rul of col: lightning is the best conj weapon

rul of the funni: cataclysm is the best conj

behind metal*

as a shadow main


can we have a visual revamp pls :fr:

The visual revamp is coming in empires remember?

I thought it was just for pillar explosion (which is cool and all but shadow has a lot of spells that look sorta fucky wucky poo poo pucky)

I think its just explosion revamp in general

can confirm
my lightning conjurer uses the lightning weapon

shadow shockwave is going to look good?!

finally, my magic is truly S tier…

shadow user alert :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

edginess drops it down to A, the sharpest letter.

Using it for the stats < Using it because AWESOME FUCKING SHADOW WIZARD POWERS :moneybag: :triumph: :mage: :shadow_magic: :lightning_magic_var3:

yea but S is for Shadow so therefore Shadow is S tier

Ok but A is for A visual revamp for shadow magic :person_shrugging:

That… applies to literally every magic though

yes because all magics are intended to be equal in strength :handshake:

Yea but shadow is still just kinda better (even though there’s no synergies)


Shadow wizard money gang… :metal::shadow_magic:

so we should nerf shadow got it.