There is no end to the Dark Sea

Yesterday I decided to sail into the dark sea, I ate a cursed mushroom before entering so the insanity wouldn’t kill me and I spent some ~1500 galleons repairing my ship against the weather. I was consistently checking the map to see how far I’d gone when I realized the map has a limit, which you cannot “drag” your view off of.

I ended up dying after I ran out of galleons to repair my ship with, but I wanted to get all the way there. After selling a bunch of old amulets for galleons, and after a few failed attempts, I was able to reach the edge of the map using ~5000 galleons (but this was overkill, ~4000 would have probably gotten me there).

So what did I see at the edge of the map? Nothing, just more water.

“I don’t think this is where the Cirrus Buried Treasure is…”


keeping going till you find Mimhere island

They want you to think there’s no end (there is trust me).

Me and the guild im in have done a few dark sea expeditions, and though we had a lot of casualties everytime, we did find the mimhere shark to the east.

i’ve sailed out there for an hour before and found nothing
btw, if you want to sail in the dark sea without having to repair much then get your ship stability up to like 79%, your ship won’t take any damage from the rough seas and will only need to worry about lightning

stability 79 prevents dark sea waves?
thanks for the information

is the mimhere thing an inside joke I’m missing or just something you all just made up

we have reports and evidence of mimhere existence, but i believe it to be like mirage island from the old pokemon games, it is a rare occurance

i wonder how long it takes to reach floating point

can u show me a screenshot of ur ship parts

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