There should be spawn caps on Atlantean Ships

There should be spawn caps on Atlantean Ships
effort 4.0 1 quality 4.0 1 reasonability 5.0 1

There is nothing reasonable, balanced, fun, sensible, blah blah about three Atlantean Brigs spawning in quick succession and bodying your brig to hell and back

What’s a potential solution?

Limits to certain ship spawns depending on insanity zone

For example (In the Bronze Sea’s Dark Sea)

We all know that only so many Atlanteans can spawn in a single structure - it’s only sensible to apply a similar limit to high-level ship spawns in a certain time period.
Firstly, for Insanity 1, only 1 Brig should be able to be actively fighting a party at once (per brig in the party)
Additionally, a short grace period should exist between Brig spawns (~60s) to allow for recuperation.
A similar scaling could be applied for later Ranges, where ships at the level cap (Heavy, Armored, etc) have spawn restrictions while lower leveled ships do not.

There’s also the whole problem of Atlantean ship aggro being hard to detect, especially due to the liberal usage of the battle soundtrack throughout the dark seas (if you even have music enabled). A notification signaling that your boat has been aggroed on by an Atlantean ship would alleviate a lot of those problems.

Reason to add/change

I got bodied by 3 brigs in a row (all my crew died)

Just travel with 2 brigs bruh

Now that the Shipbuilder exists this is actually viable so I can’t argue with that


As someone who has been harassed by 5 atlantean ships once this is a needed addition.

this needs 2 players… and both of them to sail together
and that is still 2 ships to manage

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You’ll have a failsafe in case one sinks

then watch as the two ships end up getting seperated. now you have to either circle back to the bronze sea (slow) or continue as two seperate groups and hope that you regroup (defeats the entire point)

That’s a skill issue (either stay within view or use revealing)
I’ve traveled with 3 ships and the worst happening was one going out of view for about a minute

revealing is buggy at best
and I can only go to graphics level 3
neither are a option

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