There was nothin here chat

Hiding the evidence nobody has ss

wait dont tell flayire. I’ll be added to the gank list

Cursed thread like Cursed Energy from Jujutsu Kaisen.

Shipping real people is cringe and weird, obliterate yourself this instant young man.

Are you sure im young tho???

You’re 13 last I checked

excuse me what the hell is this

COuld I be capping?

COuld I actually be 23?

Then that’d just make you even bigger creep, what is a 23 year old doing on a forum mainly consisting of teenagers?

I mean…

I never confirmed i was 23

Im 13 :smiley:! If I was 23 I would be at work ngl

just delete the post man this is weird af

L jit I’m half a decade older than you/

chat the 5 min just went off

Im not scared of you

Also jokes on you all I have the screenshot.



I have your home address

Tommorow there bouta be reports of homicide

Post was weird, agreed, what’s wrong with an adult on the forums? My dad is on the forums and subreddits for games he grew up with and still plays. Like the original Neverwinter and LEGO games. (I fear the LEGO love is genetic in my blood.)

I think he’s talking about an adult shipping people who could be teens

Who tf said this post was bout shipping chat

This was and is a blank post