Theres more and more hacks in WoM.When will the update be published?This game is dying

A hacker I just met.He didnt have a name visible on head but the kill page showed me his roblox name.

Hacker’s name
Hacks are destroying the game.Feeling really sad about it.

There are hacks in every game. Just deal with it at this point. Vetex will of course try his best to patch these exploits.

As for the game dying, its just not receiving updates. Once sustainable content is released, the game’s player count will skyrocket.

Keep in mind, popularity does not equal player count. By far, WoM is known as one of the best games on Roblox. If you ask any decently active Roblox player, they’ll most likely say they’ve tried it, but they’re just either waiting for more content or for the player count to go up.

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this game isn’t dying, the community is still active there’s just nothing to do in game, once there’s more content more new players will come and join and the player count will get high again and stay much more stable

here you go… also read the discord you arent suppose to report hackers here you have to DM a game mod like in most games