Thermo fist is actually crazy

I have a 120 strength thermo warlord and I M1’d Argos to death and only took 600 hp of damage, this is actually crazy (I do not regret switching from iron leg)

thermo fist users when the style based on speedy, aggressive attacks turn out to be effective when used on an npc that does not move constantly


ok bro

I am a savant that has a charged crash that does 500 damage.

I now have a fear of warlords that use thermo imbued Argos weapons

My warlord who’s also 120 strength:

Tbh I just fight Argos normally even if he dies from M1s faster, and my builds usually run a lot more power than defense so that health means much more when you’re using 1.3k hp

120/130 is the most common Warlord build isn’t it?

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I believe so even if shot is kind of a joke and when staff’s projectile is basically better

Might just be me using Thermo but I never thought shot was slow. In fact, from what I remember a month or so ago it was basically hitscan.

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