Thermo nerf

i mean, 1.3 speed and 0.93 damage (including dot) is really good on fstyles compared to magic or weapons. I personally find myself performing better with thermo than I did with sailor once i got the hang of it

Its a solid fs. The skill ceiling, relatively is way too high, as well as being speed crutched.


And you think that the 500th thermo nerf will fix this? Or do you think there’s an underlying issue, cuz if its still busted after all this, then I don’t think another nerf will fix it

Also I went to a diff elysium, still ZERO thermo users

It’s less of a nerf and more of an exchange

I mean true

This is still unnecessary though, as preheating has barely any impact DURING fights

I disagree

being out of combat finally doesn’t kick thermo users in the balls again, which used to be annoying for world things (like defending yourself in a gank and running enough but losing all your heat)

PvE is actually probably a lot better with thermo too now

I’ll admit the damage nerf AGAIN was kind of stupid and there should probably be some sort of DPS increase compensation but it could very well be worse

Ok, the balance team is for Pvp though

And this fucks over every other thermo build, because zerkers are the supposed offender here

I thought it was just, for balancing things ingame in general

Zerkers are the only ones suffering tbh

-thermolord/thermolock is probably still good (if not a lot easier to use thanks to the buff)

-thermonaut is going to be absolutely DEVASTATING I am calling it now (it’s lightning thermo but bigger)

lightning thermo except because it’s rushdown you basically get an extra 14 regen per second

Yes but there are ZERO non PvP changes they do

that’s less of the balance teams fault and more of the people on the team themselves

if that makes any sense

oh shit the lifesteal too :sleeper: thermojugg is going to be a monster

I should get to work on my thermo jugg build’s armor

Ok so you’ve got two fighting styles.
They both are incredibly powerful and equal to each other at their peaks except one of them is much much harder to use and master.

Which one is better? The strong one that’s easy to use or the strong one that’s hard to use?

thermo is better than sailor imo

Well the high skill floor one. because it is good at high skill floor means you will be alot more used to it by the time it becomes good.


the point is that the one with the higher skill floor is innately worse because it takes more effort to reach the same point.

i was assuming it was someone who just picked up a good one versus someone who learned the high skill one mb

that would be ignoring it’s higher skill ceiling