Thermo nerf

Thermo is not nearly bad as the ileg, sailor, and niche cfist builds doing 350-400 damage per attack. A nerf to thermo, without touching the other fstyles, is not going to do anything to combat this issue. In fact, it could potentially be getting worse, considering defense is getting nerfed and with it, people’s healthbars.

the strongest thermo fist user vs the weakest level cap rival:
Raiden Punching Armstrong GIF | Raiden Punching Armstrong / Standing Here I Realize | Know Your Meme

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“Babe wake up, new thermo nerf just dropped”

The fact thermos been nerfed so much yet they still think it’s op should tell you about the balance trams competence

Meanwhile sailor fist remains unchanged


They could be right, but if being “right” is because there’s a really niche and optimised build that makes thermo fists overpowered, then I think they should consider nerfing that build instead.
But hey, I don’t know what’s the reason behind this, so while we may shit on them for it, I’d like to ask for an answer to this question.

We’ve been trying to get that across for years

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I think they just hate thermo fist, no rhyme or reason

Petition to replace all magics with a base magic that has 1x in all stats and has untextured/unrendered anomations.

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sorry for asking but what’s preheating?

haven’t ever used thermo probably never will but thought i’d ask

Punching while out of combat to build up heat

ohhh so just using m1s before fights, okay

thanks, i knew they heavily nerfed that i think it’s a good thing to keep to keep it somewhat on par with SF (drinking water pre-fight)

@pilles My case for why thermo shouldn’t be nerfed further:

  • The reasoning for the change is absurd. “Thermo is […] widely known to be one of the strongest FStyles”. Utterly deranged. I would like this statement to be backed with proof, via something like sample surveys. How can you use a priori assumptions about the community?

  • “To get buffed by preheating”. Pre-heating is extremely unlikely, if at all, to make a difference. Why can’t thermo pre heat? The reasoning for that, given by the B-team is that it’s meant to build up heat as the fight goes on. That may be true, but have they done any thing to address pre-aura-ing or pre-focus-ing, which follow the same logic? And the elephant in the room, Sailor style, the objectively best FStyle in the game?

  • This completely ruins thermo’s identity. The whole point is that it’s fast and furious, hard hitting, but has abysmal size. Currently thermo Zerkers have ungodly amounts of size due to tiers and good speed and damage, which I suspect to be the root of the problem (tiers).

  • Short sightedness.

Can we have the :upvote :downvote :sidevote back in Bcord please?

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They got rid of it???
Why? For what reason??

to be fair, not like they even cared about that

They wanted people to actually say their opinions on something instead of clicking a button

It almost makes sense, but realistically most people wouldn’t type anything anyways (I can think of a few reasons…)

I think adding the reactions back but slightly rewarding people for typing their opinions would be better

Season 3 lee sin mains arguing that he should be overpowered because he requires more skill to get to that level (not 100% sure if this was a thing)
Snipers in tf2 ruining the game by practicing their aim too much

Imagine if they added a character where at round start you have to play a full game of DDR and if you miss a single note you explode; but if you win you get an unblockable instant kill. There’s no level of “execution difficulty” you could make that DDR game that would make it fun to play against, because you don’t play against it. You’re just there to collect your win if the guy fails his minigame.

-reddit comment complaining about happy chaos in guilty gear

yeah this is basically it. It’s interesting to have a high skill high reward option but it runs into the issue of how the opponent deals with it, you can’t play against it, you merely play hoping they fail it. The best sort of high skill stuff is stuff that’s high skill because of it’s use-cases: Basically, it’s interesting if it has counterplay. Piercing Shot just doesn’t

in my opinion… nerf thermo. Thank you thank you.

i tried to use thermo it did not go well. entry level sucks and high level its busted. make it so that with a little practice it can be worth while instead of having to make thermo your 9-5 job

This is incorrect; we balance PvE too (see the last 2 changes for v1.16.74).

There are also several other instances of this, including a card specifically for non-PvP changes. It is just that naturally we tend to identify more PvP-related issues than PvE-related issues in maingame. Additionally, the TU Balance Changes included some PvE changes as well (such as the Tartarus Tears spawn rate buff) but it isn’t something the public can see.