These whirlpools are paid actors 😭

this had to have been a scripted event theres no wayyyy bro :headstone:


1 galleon

poseidon got beef w me bruh theres no way that whirlpool just spawns by chance as soon as i get the perfect distance away from my rowboat :crying_cat_face:

poseidon said nuff is nuff and decided to hit you with his curse (his kiss)

PERSON TAUNTS another PERSON because a WHIRLPOOL spawned on them, what happens next is shocking | Dhar Mann Studios


Balance has been restored :balance_scale:

That’s fucking karma right there.

Someone threw gale nova potions

he drove my rowboat into a whirlpool on purpose and almost sunk it 1 minute earlier :sob:

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LMAO for real?

yes. and there were about 13 unnamed grand navy npcs on my poor rowboat. this is why i call him prioxnerd

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Bro I actually swear u arent the one who posted this and it like switched to u since last time I think im finally losing it bro oh my god :sob:

haha sure grandpa. please take your medication

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Tryna understand why is bro on a rowboat with 5.7 k hp and with a master deckhand running away from a brig while calling them trash

what hunting players for infamy for 4 hours straight till 3 am does to a mf

actual context is that prioxerd [the guy who caught in the whirlpool first] is a buddy i was playing for a while with that day, it was midnight and we were done hunting people so we were goofing around then that happens. he called me in the middle of me drowning but shadowplay didnt pick it up sadly, we were dying of laughter for the next hour :headstone:

These whirlpool sucks the entire ship health and make me stuck for hours.

and boi they sure love spawning out of no where

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