They were so close, so close

but the moment they pursued me, myself. they were doomed to fail, die trying. destined to, fate was sealed. WRITTEN ALREADY ! I was not ahead, no. I was walking the same speed I always was, unwavering, unfaltering, I was already assured “you will not fail” I will not fail. because I was destined to, not out of ego or sense of self, no. I was tool, meant to be used, fate has sealed me in its contents and I’ve written out my vows, my love. to fate ! to deny that would be to falter. and to falter would deny fate, me. I, in that infinite soup, I saw purpose. I will be that, yes. I will be “that”. so I say again, they have faltered and my timeline has converged with great success.

Quit making so many topics, just make one thread

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cant focus on one thing, I need mutliple

Don’t basket in one egg as the saying goes

Just make a topic about multiple things :skull:
It doesn’t even need something it’s about, just call it the spicy tuna rambling topic and call it a day

people wont see it :+(

Yea they will, topics are brought to the top every message