They're multiplying

Hmm I wondered why lettuce is gone? And why is there blood all over my fists? :face_with_monocle:
(Im not that bad :sob: )

Dang, poor lettuce. good job getting rid of a doppelganger.

I don’t bleed, you know. I grow. Photosynthetically.

Hmm some lettuce for my stew yummy :face_with_monocle:

I’m next, after I get every arcsphere variation!
All hail the "-chan"s
How do I change my name again?
(Gonna bookmark so I remember)

You can request a name change in this thread

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hi noah

i will bully you

i can’t trust you brother i’m sorry

blud has never heard of satire in his life

i am literally being satire

we’re in a fucking stalemate holy shit