Things Arcane Odyssey copied from real life


As you know, Arcane Odyssey has many things based off real life. Here are some things i have personally noted to be copied.

Grass,pebbles,ice,water,rubble,bricks (stone,clay),gravel,marble,chalk,water,air,ash,various toxic materials such as acidic solutions and poison,fungi,plants,trees,grass,seaweed,seawater fishes,sharks,temperature,energy,states of solutions like gas,solids,liquids,plasmas,atomic properties,combustibility,molecule interactions, hemp,wool,fabric,string,copper,steel,bedrock,soil,sand,gold,titanium, lightning phenomenon, asteroids,sunstone,emerald,ruby,citrine,sapphire,amethyst,taurmaline,sandstone,stone in general,wood from oak,birch,cherry,light spectrum with special mention to yellow and blue light. and other forms of radiation like infared,wind phenomenon,sand from coasts,deserts,and canyons,toxins like venom,molten rock (magma),fire,the following human tools:axes,bows,cutlasses,daggers,flintlocks and muskets,claymore,nordic swords,greataxes,hammers,the katana,mace,rapiers,metal shields,spears,staves,staffs,tridents,clubs,great hammers, scimitars,halberd,lance,cannons including culverines,swivel cannons,harpoon guns,net guns, seperate harpoons,ships including caravels,ketch and sailboats, ghostships, whirlpools, large waves,floods,rain,thuderstorms,tornadoes,cyclones and typhoons,earthquakes, jackets,steel armours, cloth clothing like shirts, qi outfits, large jackets, skirts, robes and traditional sailor and captain wear, copper protective gear,trousers of steel, fabric and copper,tricone hats,jolly roger,sails,occupations such as fishermen,sailors,navy, deckhands army work and guards
officers,marines,captains,commodores,generals,majors, deckhands,merchants, bartender, blacksmiths,alchemists,auctioneers,chefs,shipwrights, criminal status like lawbreaker,criminal,pirates,wanted,laws against murder,piracy,property damage (navy and otherwise), sinking of ships specifically,infastructure like homes,ports,airports technically,navy headquaters, various types of stores,factories and industry buildings,The One Piece, acts of hiding treasure,psychotic drugs and mushrooms that induce psychosis(Insanity),hunger,salt poisoning,bleeding,death,body adaptations,race,gender,cultures including religion,music,beliefs,skeptics and superstition, aging,hair and skin mutations like being blond,grey or white hair at young age,hair dyes,genetics,italy,seas,oceans,islands, mountains,fields,beach and shorelines,waterfalls, caves, gorges,chains icebergs,cannon balls including roundballs,incendiary,explosive,canister rounds,dense,light and chainshot,blackpowder,gunpowder,barrel based storage, box based storage,builders,cargo,
glass, wheat,pumpkins,fruits,herbs,recipes,spagetti,sandwiches,pies,shimmered fruit,stews,waist lights, tent,campfire, signs,torches,lanterns,concepts of currency and trading, long distance text based communication, concepts of news, jails/prisons,execution,corruption in royalty and law enforcement (dont care what u say, navy are corrupt as hell.) bounty and bounty hunters, tradition of final words, martial arts,sword fighting techniques, kingship and monarchy,cults,beliefs in spirits or entities,naval rams,maps,compass, nuclear fission,smoke,spar traditions,clans,tribes,senses of fashion,simps,toxic behaviour, friendly behaviour, scams,sandollars,moss,vines,clams,oysters,pearls pinecones,seeds,deforestation,temperature,lodges, artificial islands, seafloor,abrasion,erosion,dust,

These are some things vetex copied, i hope in the future he becomes more original but yeah.


I keep trying to think of something not on the list but I think you really got everything :sob:


Would it have killed you to at least have separated the things by spaces?

I can’t believe vetex copied insanity from you
smh i hope you get better

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u forgor insanity. maybe because you are insane


Damn. Who coulda’ knew?

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Bro must’ve skipped dialogue smh

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Yes actually

i got that actually, see psychosis

thanks mate

bro u gotta pay attention

twas easy


you forgor about snow

“Here are (some) things i have personally noted to be copied.”

real life stole that from ao poop head

where are boxing gloves

real life actually copied that