Thinking of hosting of modded Terraria server

HECK YEAH (also we’d need a clentaminator 100% bc of corruption/hallow spread)

I know about it but never used it, so I will need some help there


No, and no.


Also do Weaponout if weapondisplay isn’t what I think it is

Imma make a discord account (I have a gmail)
Also, is anyone here into computer specs because my current calamity playthrough is 1.3 and I don’t want to lose it converting to 1.4 to do this, so if anyone knows a way to safely convert it or back it up, please help

Also yes, I’m in school rn, and yes, I have free time (Just took a test so have plenty of time)

Nvm just ran out of time (adios)

your playthrough probably isnt gonna get fucked up by upgrading Terraria

also you do know we’re playing with biome spread disabling mods

oh yeah i forgot to update the mod list, basically most of them are a bunch of QoL mods and

i switched the mod since it crashed tmod (i got basically a replica though)

What crashed it and what’s the replica

WeaponArmament or smth like that, if you want the updated modlist just join the disc server or smth, i can send you the link

Can we talk about how the beginning raw unfiltered calamity sounds like sword fight on the heights


Wtf I thought i was the only one who thought this LMAO

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Interesting… Also, got a discord acc B)

aight, i should have msged you the server