This guild is making me feel things that shouldn't exist

There is so much to take in just from this one image


bruh, this guild is too much for me to look at

pandemonium jpeg
space inbetween dark and cry
dark cry master :fr:


i said that


I already saw another guild with Black Pandemonium logo.

lol where’s the pandemonium logo from

Idk I swear people are just adding filters to it and calling it a guild logo at this point lol

Dark Rose

Light Rose

Fairy tail.

It’s from another game, I think they just changed the colors

It’s from god eater

Thats the one, scorp just changed the colors. Like at least he changed it :lol:

is that groot?

Pandemonium logo is a logo that comes up when u search up “cool guild logos” and it is the black one.

This post was made 1 month ago :fr:

It’s god eater

it kinda looks like santonio salieri

thats about as low effort as it can get lmao

nah, at least pandemonium changed the colors, unlike dark cry

Well, they’re trying, I’ll give them that