This image is against Roblox’s ToS.
I’m not joking. A new Roblox ToS rule prohibits handholding. Same rule prohibits kissing, which is very good, but handholding? SERIOUSLY?
This image is against Roblox’s ToS.
I’m not joking. A new Roblox ToS rule prohibits handholding. Same rule prohibits kissing, which is very good, but handholding? SERIOUSLY?
They are trying to prevent virus spreading in roblox maybe lol
social distancing bro
they’re not holding hands, they’re fusing bodies together to create one mega noob, which is obviously against tos
I don’t know, that seems a bit discriminatory to me. Banning people because they want to love another, I’m very ashamed of Roblox right now
Ur showing an image against ToS Off-site
I must report >>>>>>>>>:((((
ofc, non protection hand holding before marriage is extremely lewd
Yeah Roblox really do be turning into little timmy’s playground huh
Not even Timmy was this tame.
Timmy turner was a hardcore criminal
roblox is anti-LGBTQ for forbidding handholding!!! cancel him
you called “Roblox” as a “Him”, which is absolutely unacceptable and ridiculous! You should know your own privilege’s, I bet you are a Racist and a Homophobe!!! I Will share this to all my facebook and twitter fans and i will Swat you IRL!!.
Roblox does not have a pronoun, you do not know of it! she/he/ze/ge/vee/it are some of them that “Roblox” may use, but please remember to not mock them!!! Do not spread these vulgar and harsh texts about “Roblox”
You will have your life turned upside-down by us! We are strong and we do not need this blasphemy and ridicule in our world.
#Straightgaypride #LGBTQIASDFJKLNAKOJW+2 #Feminism
“You show affection for someone in any way? Are you serious? Instant fucking ban idiot ez dubs”
UPDATE: This isn’t illegal anymore, apparently they updated the ToS.
This may be the first time Roblox has listened to their community, or heck, even had common sense.
no roblox is incapable of doing that