This is a balance team moment

they made shield shape literally useless
same size bonus as sphere at the cost of way more speed and damage :sob:
i didnt even notice till just now

brugh wtfugh.

What’s the point? What IS the point?

balance team:

Keep it for the masochists and the hardcore ao runners.

people were using 20 shield shape blasts in close range, literally the balance change they made was in a bteam app, “which nerf would u do” or smt like that, then u had multiple answers

Well I think they want people to use shield shape defensively, like to block enemy projectiles

Quickly! Delete this post before sphere becomes useless too!

something something hitbox is affected by the shape idk

No they fixed that in empires

If you have the reaction time to put up a magic shield, you can either block or dodge.
Would it even change the clash rates?
It’s harder to block with it when it’s smaller
It could just be a lost spell
Weapons would still be able to penetrate it for no reason.

Actually, blast hitbox is still affected by shape.
As seen in this clip, my ultimate art greatsword blast passes through the hallway and reaches the door just fine, while my normal slash blast does not.

yep, shield and the slash shapes all affect blast hitboxes. Shields’ large shape is what makes the speed penalty larger.

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but the shield shape blast would work as a block and a counter attack at the same time

bigger attacks clash better

thats why it gives +15% size? I dont think I understand what you mean here

it has a too niche utility to be a lost spell

weapons can actually lose clashes, you just need a hard enough magic

can confirm, have seen earth users pierce through weapon skills

Not with 55% speed, it won’t.

Relative to sphere, you can just use sphere in this case still.

It used to give more, which would have made it plausible.


Tell that to Energy Magic mains.

it won’t what? it won’t hit them that’s for sure, but it will force them to stop attacking and move out of the way, which can be useful in some (niche) cases

but sphere’s faster, so it wont provide cover as long as shield, also shield has bigger hitbox despite same size

literally any mage build can use pulsar effectively wdym

that’s exactly why it’s not a lost spell, it makes no sense to have a lost spell that’s completely useless with some magics

Well not if it was balanced.