This is where I live now

It’s fine the rain makes sure you don’t gotta pay the water bill for a shower

Unfortunately the postal system in the area was terrible

Unfortunately the rain was contaminated with poisonous substances so get a water filter

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Idk why, but dark sea rain never ends on one servers and never begins on other servers. Is it only me with this bug? Btw crew still can comment the rain even when theres no rain.

i remember the wiki saying for every 6 hours u spend in the dark sea, theres a 7% you’ll gain an atlanthean limbs/head ( cosmetic entirely, lame )

probably a bug, pretty sure its constantly rain in dark sea

Might be a visual bug. Like how Dawn Island somehow doesnt rain. (It happens to me when playing a new file most of the time)

I like this bug

Nice living enviroment

I also got stranded. Here’s my recap.

I did fishing, and for some reason, my fishing luck, which so far sucked in my experience with this file, kinda went up. Why did I get Narwhal Horn twice, at least give me a Sunken. I mised a Basking Shark cause of my f***ing ping dangit.

I got a house, and somehow, it had a perfect roof, no holes or anything. I also found a random Atlantean, though I defeated him easily.

Because I was bored and wanted better stuff from fishing, I used my luck potion. Dont ask why I used it when I couldve used it for chests, but hey, I got a lot of golden fish and even some fishing scrolls, that was nice.

Of course, I eventually got bored and left to Elysium.

not to trigger u or anything but i got a giant basking shark the other day :innocent:

And I got a golden one from a castaway

i actually saw a guy with athlanean limbs

oh thats probably a drop, atlanthean can drop their body parts like ears, fins, and some heads

some their cloaked and skin i think

im sure only droppable athlanean armors are the cloak,pants?, and 2 clam heads

i have the banarcle hide thing and a fin, i would know

saw someone with ears too, and starfish

can they be worn tho?got screenshots?

they can yeah, will send u later when i go fishing tonight ( if i remember )

heres the ear mutation thing and fin btw

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