like fr guys his chest opening and fishing stats even trades do not lead me to think that he could get 30 prometheus acrmonys
468 trades completed this is entirely reasonable
the only way to exploit to get acrimonies would be exploiting chests and fishing anyways and as the stats show he didnt do that
its probably a bank file for multiple files
i have few theories:
- scammer, very lucky one
- trader
- he just simply transferred his items (bank account)
but im not playing ao as often so my opinion may not be as valid ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Forgot the backslash, you failed the emoticon
bec he’s at risk for getting banned on his other accounts!
I’ll take a few if ya don’t mind
He could just be trading for all of them, wouldnt be too hard. Wait till you find the people with 200+ acris lol
Why would you need that
Is this like the tf2 guy that owns 17% of all vaccinators
Some people like to collect them, idk why either
Or he just wanted to clear his saves to start new ones but didnt want to spend several minutes sending only 8 different items per trade to his main again.
I also do that, but using a inactive friend’s account.
there’s people with like 500, I myself once had 21 it’s not hard to get acrims lmao
Skill issue I guess
Didnt think they had already reached 500 but it does make sense
but ye theyre not hard to get if you trade or grind luck 5 a lot