This rule is incredibly sad

honestly this is absolute bullshit, one of the worse decission that ive ever saw

the fact that LB players can get witchhunted and harassed is already beyond dumb, and now players in a clan and that play in a group are also part of the exception, makes me to wonder what the heck the person that made that was smoking.

and god have mercy not to be vetex and just be mods searching for a excuse to not deal with LB players complaining about this absolute dogshit system, bc if vetex was smocking that crack, its bad cause i highly doubt it will ever get changed.

you rlly have to think how out of touch the person that made this is, vetex or mods, this just promotes toxicity and every harsh criticism is well deserved, people already wait at munera hidden to snake on people that just wanna 1v1 and use braindead strategies for the slightless renown, and now ur allowing them to harass the majority of the player base? this is worse than when the devs of the rake decided to let people to exploit bugs, atleast that was funny watching rake running into a wall, this is just sad.

for the love of god the fact that so little people speak against this absolute abomination of a exception when is clear that someone can bring this rule as a excuse to witchhunt and harass players is sad, and the fact that the game itself allows it means that it promotes it, fine LB can get a bit more followed than normal players but what the heck is the rest? what if i want to play the game and that kid comes and harasses me and witchhunt me again bc now he can do that bc i am in the navy.

this be better vetex smoking some expired shit rather than mods agreeing that this absolute room temperature level of foresight is a good decission bc atleast vetex can say that he isnt into pvp or he just devs the game while mods are active in the game and take a lot of reports


Im fine with the Lb exception but everything else is ass
Tbh if they wanted to actually mqke clans an exception then make it with Lb clans then

i agree, the only clans that should be an exception are the ones on the leaderboard.

I don’t get why they’re pushing pvp when the game is presented as an exploration/adventure game


^ This.

No lb players should be aloud to be joined and hunted SOLO, and only once. Not this with hunt shit

honestly i love this new rule

there should just no witch hunting allowed period like what

why the hell can random’s join us anyway??? just make the joining system friend only/let us choose



Leaderboard players would normally be sort of ok since they have basically made themselves a target anyway. However, currently you have to get onto the leaderboard in order to get max level legendary deckhands. This is difficult enough for PvE players and the added pressure from being on the leaderboard is bad enough to the point where if you are only using PvE to get renown it is almost impossible to progress any further. There is no need to make it even worse for those people.
Also allowing people to be harassed for playing with friends? No. Just no.


i do get that when u go on LB u make urself a open target, that expected, but also some people just dont leave u the fuck alone, i remember someone making 3 posts being harassed by someone for days, that should be bannable

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Yeah, harassment of that level isn’t ok no matter the circumstance.
In addition, there is still my point that the leaderboard isn’t currently an extra choice for bragging rights since you have to get on it in order to get the strongest deckhands.
Being subject to being targeted by everyone should not be a requirement for that.
I’m lucky enough to have got legendary deckhands before any updates, since trying to PvE my way through the leaderboard after the brewing update proved to be too problematic for me and after getting taken off the leaderboard twice I just stopped going for it.

Deckhand obtainment is already getting reworked as vetex have confirmed in vetcord

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Indeed, and it is definitely a good change.

wait, i’ve never seen legendary deckhands before, you need to be on the leaderboard??? wtf

Not really, however the renown requirement to max them is so high that you get on the leaderboard with that amount

oh phew, you were kinda saying it like you need to be on the LB to get legendaries lol, i would’ve flipped (tho the requirements are still so goddamn high, like dear god)

Before the brewing update people had such high renown that you could get legendary deckhands to max level without even being close to getting on the leaderboard. You were pretty safe from being hunted even at over 1mil renown. The only real issue with deckhands needing renown at that point was the amount of time it took if you didn’t want to PvP.

It is not bait, can confirm he loves this new rule
