This shit is so boring (execution method)

That’s kinda the point lol

how do u gain so much bounty from assassinations

What was the guy’s fame when u got that 33,913 bounty?

Imma be real only reason I care about Renown at all is cause I need shiphands still, if it wasn’t for that wouldn’t bother.

Is there a place where you can see all the in-game rules? The discord seems to only have discord rules and when farming methods start suddenly classified as bannable bugs, it’s lowkey kind of unfair to just start banning without giving fair warnings.

I’m grand navy so this one, in particular, doesn’t affect me, but I just think for the future’s sake it should be put somewhere easy to access. Because it’s literally only through places like this that I know what is and isn’t bannable. Like how afk macroing anything in-game is also apparently a bannable offense.


i think there is?? but its outdated

Vetex or anyone that’s able to make in-game rules channel in the maincord needs to add it ngl. One universal rule is for banning exploiters but the rest isnt known so they’ll probably be breaking them without their knowledge frfr. I’ve only known this execution method here in the forum and now found out it’s bannable

genuinely why isn’t this fixed ingame? I don’t think the whole “updates all come out at once” is enough of an excuse to let this, along with exploiters run rampant ingame. I understand being one person but you have to be aware of the social aspect of the game lmfao

me waiting for this to be announced or listed in rules literally anywhere as I continue to watch the tempbans on unaware players stack up:

Black Guy Suit Black Guy Funny GIF - Black Guy Suit Black ...


Banning without a warning is crazy

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Me when i hunt down a criminal with 500k bounty in a server for an hour to collect his bounty only to get a couple galleons and 5k honor :yum:

ong we should get full bounty

we’ve started writing a rules list and will make it public when we’re done


its also the first link in the vetcord FAQ channel

should be in-game
not everybody uses vetcord and an faq is a kinda obscure place to find what should be the fist thing you see

from my knowledge Vetex is out of touch with moderation team and prop. vice versa.
Vetex rarely engage with moderation team unless it’s necessary

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now thats just a bad idea
no wonder the mods are so shit

i would rather look into “ranks” or “roles” what ever people prefer to call it to figure out who is who and what they do

could you clarify on what you mean by that

If it’s true that mods are out of touch with Vetex, who will pay attetion to said rules?
They are writen by mods and won’t be prop. confirmed by Vetex, bah maybe he won’t even know of said “new” rules being writen at the moment.

Who hires mod? who controls them? are there ranks that control people and thier action instead of just adding more people? It just seems that they are unorganized to the point that no one knows what is good or right