This wotan dude

to be fair you posted a powerscaling list which had nothing to do with the actual topic

… an atrocious powerscaling list at that…

no wonder it went offtopic bro :sob:

it doesn’t imply arthur > prometheus either

He popped a bankai on Prometheus

It had wotan on it the whole point was to scale wotan since this post IS ABOUT WOTAN.
But somebody had to start whining

That was obviously joking, but ig you were unfortunate to be born with soft skin

Yeah, that statement doesn’t imply Arthur could solo Prometheus without curses.

But this specific statement does imply that Arthur (with curses) > Prometheus

And unless vetex has undiagnosed dementia, Prometheus probablyyyyyy isn’t stronger

Also I think wotan is really cool (staying on topic)

Yeah, but staying on topic, would he defeat a 1954 standard military (which is 1854 in his timeline)

just because it has wotan on it doesnt mean it was really on topic tho

the entire topic was thoughts about what this guy said

doesnt say anything about wotan either
it just puts wotan in the list
its not really made to compare wotan anyways, or atleast it doesnt seem like that
a better thread would’ve been that one with ‘‘favorite to least favorite and strongest to weakest curse users’’ whatever it was called

still, it’s nothing concrete

and since promtheus

  • is a god
  • can create curses
  • created the grand fire curses, which the promethean flame curse alone was enough to make the user rival cursebeard

i still think he’s stronger

Something alot of people forget is that Prometheus is the deity of Foresight. Bro quite literally could predict the future.

lots of help that got him when cursebeard overthrew him lol

litterly on the post itself
That was my comparison of his power to the others since this just says who is stronger without numbers

tbf his first list wasnt even that bad, he just needed to swap a few places.
it all started when the morock fan boy arrived

anyway staying on topic, i don’t think there’s enough info to really scale wotan rn

not from vetex not canon :sunglasses:

This person here sounds quite intelligent ngl

The powerscaling is still going…

Had a thought earlier and thought it would be cool if Wotan could pull a Terracotta Army with his curse.

But, y’know, they actually move around and fight and shiz.

it said ‘‘thoughts’’ not
‘‘post a powerscaling list to compare wotan’’

also tf u mean ‘‘without numbers’’
powerscaling lists dont need to have numbers my guy :sob:

exactly bro, and he was doing this in other posts even before this bs

yeah you’re still coping whilst we’re talking about wotan lol

guess thats what happens when you dont ignore bait