This wotan dude

A guy who can grow parts of a tree is greater than a guy with an ability that’s custom made by a god


Someone PLEASE close this thread, for the love of all things holy PLEASE, it is so off topic

mods i pin the blame on the guy who won’t shut up about morock

Real question, but will we meet anyone who ends up being stronger than Wotan before the end of the story? Warren’s about even with him, so we already have a slight idea on what’s needed to surpass him.

Iirc stuff has been said about how the final boss idea from wom is being reused here to some degree, whether or not thats true or if it is true that it’ll be the final boss here I don’t recall, but anyways its supposed to be an ancient thing that has been sealed, freed, and resealed overtime, I’d bet that is probably at least on level or stronger than Wotan.

Considering the fact that we’ve got Vikings involved here… Maybe we’ll get some Norse Mythos crossover?

Maybe the unsealed thing will be Surtr, and the final confrontation will basically be Ragnarok.

Even as I say this, it’s honestly a huge stretch considering how based in Greek Myth the Arcane Universe is.

To be fair, with Wotan and his sons all being based on Norse mythology and with how there’s no confirmation on whether or not other pantheons exist, maybe we will? I feel like Vetex wouldn’t want to pull the same move that the God of War games did, though.

True enough, though then again, Greek Myth doesn’t really have its own apocalypse(that I know of, maybe I just don’t know my myths), so Vetex would have to come up with something else.

Which wouldn’t really be difficult, could be any number of things. Could be that we’ve got a bona fide Titan on our hands, or maybe he pulls a Gears 4 and one of the Gods “wasn’t dead. Just asleep” for all these years, and now someway or another under the control of the Order(which of course would backfire on them because hubris blah blah).

We just know it’s powerful enough that those who can sense power are scared shitless of it. I believe the words were something-something unimaginable darkness? Maybe it’s Erebus, embodiment of darkness and the offspring of Chaos in Greek Myth, which could also be really cool in its own way. Plus that could tie into the Dark Sea plot thread that seems to be tied to one of Wotan’s sons, I forgot which one(because y’know, Chaos and Magic Energy and blah blah I might just be talkin out my ass and having my schizo moment).

Thought these crappy ass mods werent allowed to leak :sob:

No seriously don’t take what I’m saying seriously I’m a 'tism-brained slightly schizo bi-polar degenerate who probably doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Well from what Poseidon told us Gods do slowly reform over time after dying, so a couple of the Gods that died in the War of the Gods may have reformed by this point. I guess there is also Hades who at the current point in AO is technically still alive, but we already know PK is gonna go beat his ass so AO MC probably ain’t gonna have anything to do with him.


Im so dirty minded

I need much help

thats not even that bad dw

Prime Iron Mike wins

Using high level math here.
Iron is melted by heat
promethean fire = big heat
Morock solos

Okay to add onto what I said yesterday, the Order has been looking for people like the mc presumably other Godly descendants, so maybe if the order has some of them under control, one of the highlords is one, or the big boss is one and they’re fully realized they might be able to be on Wotan’s level.

nah id win

nah id win

nah Morock’d win.