Thoughts about having separate weapon slots for spirit weapons

As some of y’all might have seen, Vetex has thought of adding separate slots for spirit weapons. Making classes with the spirit stat more versatile. But in the case for Knights and savants, it will expand their arsenal significantly.

Giving knights a total of 30 moves to use and savants a grand total of 54 moves to use in the endgame…

What are your thoughts on this

This comes off as a negative to me.

this is good, knight would be quite stuck between choices otherwise

I mean it’d be cool if it mirrored how warlock could only ever have 3 of magic/fs or mage with 3 magic or beserker with 3 fs in how Knight would have to choose 3 weapons/spirit weapons but also weapons are inherently designed to be more versatile so I guess they need it.

Most annoying is long hotbar/cosmetics. I get to pick 6 weapons my character never uses as cosmetic i guess(for non-weapon classes.) Or it’s just gunna be something random from a chest.

Coz as someone who’s hotbar looks like this, I want it to look even more horrendous.

This does make me want a recipes function to save certain recipes you like

im conflicted i really liked 3 weapon slots but more is better and we’ll see some diverse builds so eh i take this as a W

i dont really care about knight, but this will make savant a hell of a lot more interesting (even though it ALREADY was the most fun class)

I can’t wait to reach my finger from the D key to the 9 key just to use a single strength weapon-exclusive move.

light work, just bend

I’m thinking more like knights get 1 or 2 extra slots but can only have up to 3 of the same weapon class, like 3 physical weapons and one spirit-weapon or vice versa.

Have you considered playing a class that suits your playstyle more

More guns for me

Oh boy

Dance dance revolution finger edition

no shit

Yes, I’m not touching savant with a 10-foot pole until we get some new content for imbuements, because imbuing more than one thing isn’t enough for me to care.

that’s why the game needs keybind changing.

in deepwoken i have my weapon on the last slot, but then rebound the slot to `

it would be nice if we could actually use the buttons on our keyboards

Me reaching the 9 button on my keyboard to select a weapon (I use the same hand to wasd):

I am NOT using 9 hotbar slots, especially since I need the precious room for food, potions, etc

And I don’t like 9 hotbar slots
Source: I play rotd and am leveling my weapons, I equip 5 at a time, I have 9 hotbar slots so my medkits, etc are all way in the back

atp vetex should add a system similar to the imbue system where you press a button and then choose the thing you want

(tho i still think he should make it a wheel, instead of just boxes next to eachother)

All I can say is that this will make savant extremely fun and extremely difficult to use.

The more challenging it is, the easier I can learn BABY!!!

If you think about it, it’s actually quite balanced

3 new weapon slots might seem extreme, but the thing is each spirit weapon has 2 unique unremovable skills that have such high stat requirements that only Oracles will be able to use them for a while.

Since Knight can only use the first 3 skills on each spirit weapon, it’ll only be getting 9 move slots, which is comparable to the 8 magic skills that a conjuror gets. When Knight finally gets access to these moves, Conjuror will have a second magic.