No . . It’s pretty reasonable that ppl want to be able to upgrade their ship to the best the game can offer for stuff like the Dark Seas and just general seafaring (Traveling to islands, fighting random ship npcs, castaways, etc.).
But in order to get there, you’re pretty much forced to participate in LB just to fully use the feature when many, including myself, don’t even really want to strive to reach LB. It’s just asking to get into the sweatier side of Pvp when it likely isn’t their focus at all and just want to Pve.
(Like how the game was intended to be. .)
I mean . . If it’s not much of an issue for you then great?
But most ppl want deckhands on their ships for the main two reasons above: Dark Seas, and just general Seafaring. Dealing with/running away from people is just the secondary bonus from it.
High Renown players are after your Renown first and foremost. Anything else they can gain is just a nice bonus that happens to be there. They’re very much likely going to jump you whether u had anything on your ship or not.
High Renown players aren’t going to have too much qualms about chasing you down cause they’re going to have a better ship than u generally. Paired with the fact they’re bothering to go out of their way to find you out in the open sea anyways, that they might as well full commit and the worse that can happen for them is the person they’re hunting logging/escaping and having to just go simply hunt down another person.
The 30+ chests on your boat is more of a on u thing cause ur more likely to lose stuff like that to Npcs than Players. But yes not turning them in at least frequently is personally pushing it, but u reap what u sow by that point.
Well guess for the same response format about
Well yea, nobody’s delusional about that, grinding for sets and the like isn’t exactly the hardest thing in the world as long as Rng isn’t being a prick.
The reason why ppl are complaining about “sweats w/ good gear” is in reference to the meta and the current state of affairs surrounding Pve/Casual Play.
I mean this thread exists for a reason alongside the proposed Pve & QoL Thread.
It’s clearly in rather dire straits that the Balance Team and Testers are agreeing that things need to change which coincides to Pvp also being changed and being a better overall experience.
Pvp toggle has been thrown around for discussion already for a long while and the general consensus is that i can see - or rather what i personally have towards it - is it shouldn’t have to be considered if we can just simply fix the issues we’re facing.
From what i can see nobody is saying it’s hard to get 5k since Galleons are stupid easy to come by, from just, y’know, playing the game. Paired w/ the fact it only sucks to lose a max of 350 Galleons when below the 10k mark as then it starts to quickly become an after thought.
The thing about making a bank via Clans is that surprise, ur now involved w/ Clans.
Not only do u have the High Renown (Which im describing ppl w/ 250k+ Renown to start being considered High Renown, as getting 100k is nothing and easy to get.) and potentially LB players willing to hunt u down, u now have garnered the attention of Clans being more than willing to contest/fight w/ u for ur infamy.
Clans have limited Bank sizes and at the very least want to get to Avg Clan.
The thing about this though is if ur aware of what ppl have been complaining about infamy for the past while. Is that getting Infamy, especially w/ Island claims, (Cause ur most definitely likely not a Pvp person wanting a clan bank and if u were u’d just go the extra mile to head into the competitive scene and the like. Assuming there really is any as Clan LB seems to be be almost impossible to catch up to now) absolutely sucks.
If memory serves right about seeing a thread awhile back is that u lose a lot more than u have gained for the past hour to half hour of island claiming if u die. Pair that w/ most likely losing the island too once u do and u lose even more.
Sure it’s doable, all u have to do is get to Avg and just maintain that whenever and however possible but that doesn’t mean u have any guarantees of it being an easy road towards it. And ppl that are primarily Pve focused and just want to Pve aren’t immediately going to be on board w/ the idea too greatly.
But i’ll just have to personally wait and see i guess, tell me ur experience as well if u wish and have gone through w/ trying to make one to Avg so i can compare and contrast what is said on the current Infamy and Clan affairs.
A majority of ppl, including myself, aren’t grinding High Renown and “fearing” of losing it cause we want to reach LB or smth. We’re doing it cause Deckhands are tied to Renown which is intrinsically a thing that both sides of the Pve or Pvp spectrum should have easy access to.
Not like how it is in the current state of affairs where the best we can hope for is upgrading it once or twice for just a simple title increase at best. And then be forced to Pvp when it isn’t our realm of focus when playing AO just to have a better and enjoyable Pve experience and future ones.
Ahem, the Dark Seas is literally coming up in a good 2 and half months from now or so. Pve content that we’ve been wanting to see since Wom and especially when we first heard about it.
Lastly before we move onto the fourth section, we are playing other aspects of the game . . Pve is the major encompassing aspect that AO is trying to have. AO is meant to be a primarily Pve focused game as Vetex stated himself, and we’re currently not there rn given the current Pvp focus as this and the Pve & QoL threads existence shows.
Ur stance on Renown not doing anything is objectively horrifically wrong.
- Deckhands currently are as mentioned tied to Renown which as u put it as well, a Pvp thing. When it very much shouldn’t be.
- The game Organizations have their drip and ranks tied to it, right up to being tied to the very LB.
- And Renown is tied to the majority of the badges u can get in the game and is something ppl use sort of gauge how good a person is. (Even though it clearly isn’t a great nor effective one.)
Lastly, as mentioned before, we only “fear” losing it because it inhibits us from trying to get deckhands. If deckhands weren’t tied to Renown a large amount/majority of us couldn’t care less about losing it since it doesn’t affect the Pve side of things anymore by that point.
Even w/ Deckhands in mind i personally don’t care about losing some since i already got that i can get and i get my Renown back almost immediately by hunting a Rival for charts/gems.
My sibling in Vetex u cannot be objectively wrong again given the existence of this thread, the Pve & QoL thread, complaints towards the recent mobility changes of the Balance Doc (though it isnt’ really too big of a deal.) , the discussion of Pve and Casual play bleeding into other threads if memory serves right and of my own personal inputs.
200+ hours and it’s not enough to show that a good majority of the people whom u say ur apart of very much say the opposite of what u said . .
Nobody is saying they absolutely can’t, as i myself use gimmick files, (28+ and counting amassing a total of 1.3k+ last i counted from Wom and AO) just that it occurs so often and that there are incentives to be forced into engaging w/ Pvp that it makes it difficult to play the game a fair amount of the time.
Pvp isn’t a priority or focus of ours are the game shouldn’t be in the state where it incentives Pvp and forces u to be in a Pvp situation. Especially if stuff that should be equally obtainable for all is and not tied/locked away in one side of the game’s population.
Already listed my reponses to Renown and Clan Banks above and will leave w/ this:
How about instead of giving a seemingly demeaning outlook on ppl u claim to be apart of for this side of the community. We actually acknowledge ppl’s clear complaints including my own and make it where it truly isn’t the case and lessen the need of having these discussions.
Anyways i spent roughly 2 and half hours almost forming this response and i want to do other things. So pardon any Grammatical and spelling errors that might be there.