Thoughts on casual players?

yah im runnin metal crystal mage and its fun despite not being overly busted like on release

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have you been practicing with a friend at munera a few days ago? i may have met you there

It feels like I could just be taken advantage of for free renown sometimes. All it takes is a high bounty player targeting me and even farming me and i lose almost 100k renown in 20 minutes (true story)

It’s practically impossible to do when the current thermo fist meta is this oppressive

also yeah, was at munera a couple days back

well, nice meeting you on the forums. (also, were you with someone called AGodsWrath?)

i can’t recall, sometimes memories blend together

Also, minor suggestion, I think that each the skills in the game should have a little pop up window description that you can look up whenever you’re standing by a table related to it, so maybe holding the F key by a jewelcrafting table could pop up a window that gives you a description of how to use the table. This should only mostly apply for skills that need a table, since other potential skills (like fishing) could be self explanatory.

i hope ur joking mr (or ms) big bussy 23

I think the results of the poll can be extrapolated to make it very clear that the people who don’t like casual players who aren’t PVP tryhards are in the minority, although I won’t claim that the amount of data is sufficient for any major conclusions.

Skill is just one of many small factors that usually determine who wins.
I will never understand people who play this game competitively.

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As a casual player myself I don’t really focus on the PvP aspect very much. I know enough PvP really to not die against braindead players, but against the elitists I’m outclassed by a lot. I feel like to me the worst type of player is the player who is max level and chooses to hunt after low bounty players that aren’t even maxed. Positive or Negative rep if you try to hunt a low level player for their bounty your a scumbag in my opinion. Then there is others that just come up to you acting like buddy buddy and then unleash the most god awful sweaty metal mage max dmg and intensity build to drain your health while finishing it off by saying “gg”.

if I wanted to have fun in competitive pvp I wouldn’t be doing it in a combat system where your equips and consumable items matter more than your skill.

idk that’s part of the fun to me. Creating a build you enjoy then amplifying aspects of it with equips. To each their own ig.

and yea some consumables are a mess rn when it comes to balancing

who the fuck


expose them right now I dare you.

only the moderators can, right? Or can I do it as the creator of the poll?

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I would argue that things should be balanced in a way where these tools can help you win against otherwise more skilled opponents, but not as much as the current overwhelming meta does. I agree with Mimhere on this one. Personally, as I had referenced before, we may be able to look at Runescape for ideas. In Runescape, fleeing from PvP encounters isn’t looked down on. In fact, there are equipment builds made specifically to tank some damage. Then again, that game is more tuned towards PvE- but it can still be useful to look at other examples to find a balance.

should do it. Either a person who did it as a joke or some edgy dude who is in the assassins syndicate

sorry, i’m new-ish here, i dunno how to reveal the results if i can