Thoughts on casual players?

I’m going to go fucking mental


Oh my god

:explosion_magic: :explosion_magic: :explosion_magic:


Looks like we’re back…
tl;dr, someone came by to start arguments and the entire argument was wiped from the thread, moving on

i’m sorry we had to go through that all.

Nah we have new copypastas

well at least that is all over with lol

Back on the topic at hand, I think this clip from my dms with my friend (who i will keep anonymous) can provide some extra insight on things as they are now (him refers to vetex)

other quote:

in regards to the actual topic, casual players are fine tbh, although i would say going above around 200k renwon basically requires some form of pvp skill, but besides renown i’d say the game’s pretty casual friendly

in regards to the thread itself what the hell happened here jesus christ

The game itself is casual friendly, but when you have players that farm people for renown or otherwise force you to engage in PVP, that’s where the issue lies. The game is friendly. The community, not as much. Not saying that everyone is like that. The poll proves my point. There’s a minority of people who believe that casuals are just free renown or shouldn’t be in the game at all, but most people like them. I think with that in mind, things need to be done

I agree with everything until the casually friendly part. If you have a 10k fame it doesn’t matter what level you are, if you’re in the server with an assassins syndicate member it’s on sight with them. They do not care if you’re crippled, blind, or just level 1 and you got 10k fame for finding the cure to cancer. They will milk your reputation clean if they find out you’re bad at PvP. If you see some dude with like 400k bounty in your server and you’re sticking at one island with like 40k fame you gotta be praying to all the gods it doesn’t matter.

personally i wouldn’t call anyone over 200k renown a casual
either you dont gain pvp skill and fall below that threshold or you do, in which case you are no longer a casual

Main source of the problem in Assassins Syndicate tbh. You can say I have PTSD or whatever, but if a person tries to kill you it’s usually one of those people. Besides that the game is pretty casual friendly. I got a little overboard with that but the truth is somewhere there

If you’ve played negative rep its exactly the same with the navy… except also with getting jailed for 10 minutes.

i’m a casual chilling with 320k (solely for deckhands) and escape pvp however I can
I do want to get good at pvp, don’t get me wrong, but when the current metamancers are so oppressive and my aim is bad, its hard

Glad to see the topic I never fully read, due to pretty standard points being made, has been kept civil and no major arguments have occurred so far

there’s kind of this weird balance between low and high renown; have too much and you get hunted for being easy pickings, have to high and you get hunted for being a valuable target
a possible way to solve the renown issue could be to just limit the amount of renown gained from bounty hunts below, say, 100k renown, making lower renown more pve oriented and higher renown (as it has been emphasized to be) more pvp oriented