Title. How good do you think this build is? What weapons and skills can it benefit from the most?
EDIT: Grinded over the weekend, and finished the build yesterday. It’s pretty cool, and very fun to play!
Title. How good do you think this build is? What weapons and skills can it benefit from the most?
EDIT: Grinded over the weekend, and finished the build yesterday. It’s pretty cool, and very fun to play!
I think it could definitely be good, crystal has a fairly high damage multiplier iirc so you’re not losing too much damage. you gain crystalized as a status effect, and with the high attack speed of weapons you’d probably proc the 4 stack a lot especially using moves that grab and combo enemies
Crystallized status isnt as good as you think despite the appealing dmg increase. It wears off fast and you really have to multi-hit, or back to back spam land 4 hits to proc it. In pvp the opponent will be dodging so you will never proc it with 4 flying slashes or blasts.
however: crystal iron leg warlock
This was what I was sort of thinking of yesterday.
I have an earth iron leg warlock, but since iron leg already procs bleed I feel like earth is kind of redundant for that build. Then again, higher base power and AOE… It’s difficult to pick between the 2 for warlock.
crystal warlock sounds fun
I have a crystal conjurer, build isn’t as good as you think. Still pretty strong since crystal has 25% buff against bleeding targets.
I also have this exact build too, my first build actually, never talked about it because I didn’t want ppl to see how insanely strong it was since it has a passive 65% damage buff at all times. I have 1600 hp and deal 300 per attack.
Crystallized doesn’t wear off fast, I proc the crystal explode every time multiple times in fights
Earth should be a viable alternative here, no? You’ve got higher base damage and AOE compared to crystal, while still featuring the 25% damage bonus against bleeding targets. Obviously less burst damage potential, but earth should provide much more consistent damage output.
earth is a replacement for conjurer crystal yeah but not for the Crystal Iron Leg. Crystal Iron Leg is far better than Earth Iron leg. Iron leg detonates crystals for 40% extra damage. Each attack applies crystal and detonates it in the same move. 40% + 25% dmg from bleeding each attack.
Not really relevant but I fought a Crystal Conjurer and somehow he missed a point blank Tempest and Mountain Wind on me
Not even insulting him, I’m just wondering how, It looked like I got hit too but didn’t
Right. Well, when alchemy comes out I’ll probably be respeccing into a crystal warlock.
But when Vampirism comes out, earth warlock will have it’s place!
its more like 20% more damage, shatter synergies were nerfed.
the bleeding would do 10% more
its a total of 30%, which is still really good tho as its constant 30% gain
fr? im literally doing 300+ dmg when my base damage is 200
91 posts were split to a new topic: Epic Pointless Argument
My boy ain’t even reply how long it was gonna take to make the build, boys really scared to run 1s and back his talk oh nah
same energy
shit you’re right