Thoughts on Cute animation pack?

the second ones a lizard man i wouldn’t talk to him

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its girly, i dont get whats wrong with that

Oh you meant boss as leader, not boss as stronger badass guy, y’know the videogame boss stereotype.
In WoM, well at least from my point of view, its crossed arms as in asserting your dominance and trying to be kind of intimidating.

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Oh, I get what you mean. Thank you for explaining. :+1:

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the only cross I know is the holy one :sunglasses:

and being cross countered to the face

Nobody. I don’t talk to people.

It’s, dare I say, cute.

i like how its not too exaggerated and ill def buy it

however i still wish we can mix and match animations cus i like boss charge up animation a lot

there’s gonna be furries running around with this animation pack when the animal tail cosmetics come around
why vetex why

god is dead.

vetex killed him