Thoughts on Cute animation pack?

So Polar just posted the cute animation pack for World of Magic, and I want to know what you guys think? Personally, I think it’s cringy

  • The Cute animation pack is nice
  • The Cute animation pack is bad
  • The cute animation pack is OK
  • The cute animation pack is cringe
  • The cute animation pack is… UwU
0 voters

It isn’t as cute as it couldve been


That’s a hella nice looking new area
what animation

100% buying it.
It’s not overly excessive unlike what some people wanted (for whatever reason :fr:) and the animations look good too.


I rlly like the charge pose/animation

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It’s good. I think it’s better than the boss animation pack (which looks horrible), but the coward animation pack is way better in my opinion.

But it will let me realise my dream which is to cosplay as a cute king David. :wink:

I like some specific animations of it but I’m not gonna use it for the simple reason I’m not making a joke character. It’s very good in my opinion, even if the name doesn’t reaaaally fit.
Like some animations seem definitely more sassy than cute in my opinon, like the can’t-dare-to-look-at-you charging and blocking animation… is it just me? I don’t think I’m using the term sassy properly but still.

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I use the boss animation pack. I think it looks ok

Well, the reason I think it’s horrible is that it doesn’t have that many “special” animations compared to both the cute pack and coward pack. Also I really do not like the idle animation. Especially when you’re wearing items and armour. It simply does not appeal to me whatsoever.

(Btw crossing your arms is a sign of weakness. Why would a boss do that?).

Boss is okay, but not that great imo.
I really dislike its high jump.

I like the high jump, just feels like a polished default high jump. I just don’t like how Boss lacks most animations (you only mainly see the idle and charging animations and maybe the swimming animation).

My issue is more of a personal one, I don’t like how it only uses one leg.

Ah, okay. I see.

No, it doesn’t

I would buy this but I do not like the idle animation.

…What? Must be cultural differences or something but it’s clearly not that around here.

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Maybe he means how you cross your arms?

i just think it’s funny

i don’t even know why. there’s not really anything funny about it

It looks pretty good, I just think the idle would be better with arms like those NPCs when you talk to them and they look down and hold their hands together. Otherwise great, but I’m not buying it anyways so whatever.

Like this (beware, it's an anime girl)

My response at Wapingkoo and Cosmos

You see, crossing your arms makes you seem more reserved which can be a bad thing when you are talking to people. Let’s compare these two images:

Which of them would you talk to? And which one seems like the most down to earth, reliable person just from first glance?

This might just be my culture, though, but I would rather talk and trust someone who seems more open, rather than someone who crosses your arms. (Btw I’m not a guy).

I’m sorry if this reply is a little of topic.