Thoughts on destruction/destructible terrain

I like it quite a bit, but I’ve come to realise how annoying it is when doing some PvP training yesterday.
It messes with your aim and predictions, it sometimes stops you and others from moving the way they want to, and it also bugs NPCs a lot (allowing them to shoot through walls/ceilings/terrain, sometimes granting them immortality. This is especially true in fort castrum).

it shouldnt be in boss arenas because of people getting stuck under carpets or grass, looking at YOU calvus, elius, and carina. but overall i think its a good mechanic and it adds some originality to the game

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I like it a lot especially with the new cracked terrain textures. I do agree that it makes fighting bosses a lil harder… Primarily calvus and valerri, and some atlanteans

I do like how its coded so this islands will be destoyed in the far future

i love it - when enemies get stuck and i can bombard them with placed explosion, also clearstone
i hate it - when i get stuck while fighting against any melee user, also when they completely kill my high ground/acid minefield

i want to like it because its super impressive and unique for a roblox game, but all the spectacle of it wore off back in wom and now i just find it annoying

getting stuck on a .1 stud part, getting stuck because of auto vaulting, getting blinded when large amounts of terrain are destroyed, enemies getting stuck in craters, npcs destroying the part youre digging for a treasure charg, and the fact that destroying terrain just doesnt work 60% of the time if you have a low destruction magic even if youre hitting a wall the same thickness with the same attack

its hard to criticize because i wouldnt want it removed but all the issues i listed above are pretty much impossible to fix (except for it just not working sometimes but id be willing to believe im doing something wrong there)

also the fact ive been accused of hacking multiple times for phasing through the ground or floating slightly because terrain destruction desynced between our clients is crazy

I love it cuz it allows us to initiate OPERATION: Dig to Sameria

Sometimes, it’s good, but other times, it’s awful (Elius or Fort Castrum)

Cool in most situations, in any situations where it isn’t cool it is the worst thing about that situation

I usually don’t care about it but it’s pretty annoying on fort castrum

It gave us one of the greatest Vetex quotes

i wish you could actually destroy all the ground, and kill(temporarily) all NPC’s on the island. Has anyone tried destroying Mango Isle yet?

I’m sure if it were possible to destroy a small island with maxxed destruction, somebody would have done it by now.

its only ever really annoying if im in a big hole and need to T jump out in a fight
otherwise i like it, gives your attacks a feeling of power

i love getting stuck and taking half my health due to terrain!
it sucks.

I think it’d be better if certain areas could only have a top layer destroyed. Also, the terrain destruction should NEVER be enough to obscure a target or prevent them from high-jumping. Irritates the hell out of me when I try to fight like Carina or something and she’s underground and thus cannot be hit.

I like it, but there are some areas that it needs to be toned down in if not outright removed. A couple of the boss arenas and fort castrum especially could do with only having like the first layer of the floor being destructible.

I think the main issue is just that terrain can break without layers above it breaking


its cool but having terrain respawn while you’re fighting shouldnt be a thing
maybe make it so terrain only respawns after 30 seconds of the destroyer not being in combat?

it’s annoying for me
especially during pvp then it’s really just a hinderance

I adore it, I love seeing destroyed landscapes after a battle it. It’s the coolest thing ever

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