jaw spires
i kinda did
catacalsym my beloved
Can’t wait to visit it at the first tournament
From the spectators seats obv
Gonna be eliminated at the first round
add elysium elo
might put my thoughts as well
this is a huge miss opportunity for going all in to the pvp arena and all bc only tester and mods can open it.
u could use it as private servers, this still allows people to make tournaments and raid bosses, while the main host haves the mod commands to kick people and could promote others as helpers
it could also have a server that for public, ofc only mods and other highly trusted members can have the kick commands
it could as well have a special server for these events where u can gain a special cosmetic item (or more items)
you could solo raid bosses in these private servers
someone suggested a elo system, and while idk how to feel about this, i could see it working as a different server, this might even include 2v2, 3v3, etc (could also work on the above game modes or servers or whatever u wanna call them)
all of this can be put in a server list, for the love of god, the very low LB players are there only for deckhands (that if the req to be there are higher now), and above them are people that care about their renown, u gain a title and u see big number go bigger, opening elysium for everyone wont change the fact that people can rise their ego or dopamine or just jump randoms in the main game, every game that haves a LB will only have people that care to be there.
Elysium idea its cool despite never being able to play it bc of timezones but being so strict doesnt help, i think vetex let the future of elysium up in the air and all of this might be added but as far, elysium is great and gets both casual and pvpers happy, but its a huge miss opportunity
Seafoam arent u banned gang
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