Thoughts on Sameria?

The update just feels underwhelming. I finished the story and just felt “thats it?”, and i absolutely HATE SAMERIA ON THE MAP. IT HORRIFIES ME. ITS DISGUSTING. I do like the theme though and exploring it but I wish there was a bit more in the desert part.

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Yeah for some reason sameria is a little stretched out, and mount othrys is even worse lmao

Its so painful to look like

This is going to be a kind of unrelated post to the size

I think the size is good, but there just isn’t enough to actually explore. WoM was DENSE and littered with cool ruins and random secrets everywhere. It feels like there was a lot more love put into WoM’s map that just made it way more fun to explore

The comparison to the WoM map gives higher expectations, even if it was only in size. I wish it was comparable in both size and content. It feels like exploration is getting worse and more dull because there just simply isn’t anything interesting to discover. All the secrets are the same too. Random note in some area, or giant treasure pile inside of a tall stone structure. Its fucking boring. Where are my ancient ruins with texts in an unreadable language? where are my statues of historic figures? where are my ruined cities, etc etc we need creativity with this stuff.

AO exploration is full of just the same copy paste dogshit that is so mind numbing. There is barely a sense of mystery with anything. Same with quests too, how many god awful fetch quests are there in this game? can there please a side storyline of SOMETHING. Im tired of just COLLECTING SHIT.

We need more Greenwish, We need more Charon Ruins, god just give me some interesting side thing to do, explore, look at, interact in this damn game :sob:


Its a map rendering issue, hopefully gets fixed eventually

man how many times have i heard that

nah we gotta crucify whoever said that fr
that was my expectation

nimbus sea was said to be completed this summer, was completed months later with a few shitty quests and not to mention sameria isnt even completed, was also said to be as big as the wom map. this update is cool and all but like most of the updates, theyre rushed and we have to wait for months for progress to be made. No wonder arcane odyssey’s playerbase dropped dramatically

not to mention the terrible storyline contradicting the lore

What lore exactly does the storyline contradict?

i cant think of it directly, but mostly npcs around the bronze sea contradict the lore. Such as the wrath of gods being caused by durza supposedly starting 3 months ago yet arcane odyssey’s story starts only 1 month after durza’s defeat. Thats the only thing that comes to my mind directly. might be wrong on this point tho

I believe what you’re referring to is a npc who said it was about 4 weeks ago, not 3 months.

-overpriced ice
-barely any content
-weak military
-like, 3 or 4 quests TOTAL
-I still dont know if its Muslim or Buddist, like the architecture and names are clearly Arabic but then we have the sun temple monks, do they worship the sun or something?

In conclusion, we have been tricked, we have been decieved and quite possibly, bamboozled

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maybe that was changed or something, but I remember seeing a screenshot which indicated 3 months ago, High chance im wrong tho im not sure


Have you not considered that maybe lorewise not everyone is aware of the actual things happening and they just start to create rumors?

Here is the so called “wom map”

I mean it is pretty realistic
For most of its history, Egypt’s civilization developed around the Nile, the rest was (and largely still is) just barren wasteland.


Samerias military is actually supposed to be quite a bit stronger than Ravennas, its their navy thats weak

i love sameria but my god i wish the quests were more unique

spoilers ig

the ice quest that makes you make a smoothie is fine since it teaches you something important, but the wallet quest is the same as like… 3 other quests in the game
id love side quests that actually have a story to them, the quest where you help rebuild the wall at Amarut gets close but its execution isn’t great

As for the emptiness in general, i reckon most of the devtime was spent on building the islands, making the new armors and stats, balancing, etc. and so actual content like quests were rushed. Atleast that’s what im guessing

as for the weapons deleting bug… holy cow. Vetex said that it only occured after the update was ported to the main game, but honestly there should’ve been testing done in the maingame before updates anyways
anyways i hope that as updates continue the game recovers from the weapons bug and the very mixed/negative responses to the update. AO deserves more than declining or dying to a scuffed update release

fixed spelling oops…

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