Thoughts on Sameria?



Honestly, smaller than what I was expecting


The sun monks having no dialogue was disappointing

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why did they add the monks if they’re uninteractable like not 1 line of dialogue

yeah I was expecting something huge for 2 months of building

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Future stuff probably

Funniest part is the slight horizontal stretch

overpriced ice

it looks UGLY on the map

all nimbus sea island’s decals look off


There is something rushed about this update that makes a bit disappointed, but I guess better than going insane and turning into Batman Arkham subreddit

its fine but like
what the fuck wheres the secret???

‘as large as the WoM map’ my ass

Vetex: Sameria will be 3 times bigger than ravenna!

Sameria: 1/5 of its landscape is habitable

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the average rushed update because the dev team seems to have absolutely no motivation whatsoever, took a year to build a few measly wilderness island with 0 content, a few quests that involves getting hooked by a pirate ship and talking to the queen and and an island ‘‘as big as the wom map’’.

tho i have respect for making the nimbus sea, this is extremely disappointing considering all the hype

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its not even a team its a single dev that REFUSES to hire anyone so that stuff like this doesn’t happen because he just cant swallow his pride

Underwhelming af

are you fucking joking

it was like 3 weeks of building, not 2 months

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To be fair, it doesn’t seem as big as the wom map but you gotta remember that in wom we didn’t have dashing, or really any transportation methods like we have now. If we had dashing in world of magic the map would suddenly seem real small