Thoughts on the forum packages?

What are some of yalls thoughts on the forums packages? Id love to get your response below.

if you have no idea what I am talking about


It feels like something I wouldn’t spend my money on. I mean sure having your own badge would be cool, but like i don’t think the common people would spend monthly dollars just to get their Guilds into this forum. I mean you could just live without having a badge and that’s cheaper


The $10 is the badge. the $15 is your own subcategory to the forum. People can and probably will use discord servers for their guild. However this is a platform where any wom fan can go on and see your guild. No need for crazy advertisements. Also the money supports the forum too. Plus this is probally the closest thing you can get a guild to being ‘official’. I use quotes because none of the guilds are truly official guilds, however this is the closest to being approved by vetex prob


im broke as hell man


I have been considering lowering the prices.


Though this is a roblox game tho. Almost all of the players would be at 13-18 years of age and would most likely not have any source of income. People that are of working age are rare in this community. Lowering the prices may indeed be a good move as the payment is monthly and having to pay 15$ a month just to keep your guild ‘official’ is pretty taxing for a student.

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Not something I would buy, something should be added for it to be worth the money or the price would need to be lowered. It’s a good idea to gain something from the forums, but it just doesn’t offer a lot for the cost (although other people could beg to differ)

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I feel like lowering the prices will be better or maybe a first time bonus when you buy one of the packages


im broke as hell man


Eh it’s like really not the kind of thing i would ever buy, which is normal since i won’t own a guild anyway and that’s the main point of buying those


give moner so i buy B)))))))))))))))))


Its a bit pricey for the guild packages, as its a monthly thing, more people would be inclined to buy it if it were a one-time thing, even if it were a bit more expensive
donator role is fine though since people may want that when the forum is open


How about now? How do you guys feel about the current forum packages?

Seems much better now.

Yeah nothing more to add, I barely know the value of money anyway.

Way better than it was for sure at least, should get more business than the old ones would of gotten

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Making the main thing one-time and the guild subcategory 4.99$ a month is a great adjustment. I hope the forum does well!


It’s a nice addition I guess but personally I don’t see myself spending money on it because I’m broke :frcryin:


Hahhah cattus broke noobtus


I will in fact be buying the guild forum package very soon!