Thoughts on these fantasy worlds I made?

they all suck lol

World 1

This world is almost entirely caves. Everyone lives underground in the massive cave-like structures. The sky is a ceiling. Gravity is extremely low, as the people can walk on the walls. There are many rivers in this magical world. These rivers are like highways. There is a dangerous world outside the caves, commonly known as the unknown outside.

There are 3 main races in this world, which are the white angels, the red lifebringers, and the yellow sacrifices. These races could be like a caste system and assigned roles at birth.

The White Angels:

  • guardians of the world
  • protect it from threats beyond that originate from unknown places, colloquially termed as the void
  • can also protect the world from internal/civil threats
  • has many sub-races/subclasses (not finished with listing them all)
  • may go rogue and be the enemy (rogue white angels are colloquially called white demons)

The Red Lifebringers:

  • collect and distribute food
  • can’t have children (they are born from giant bone structures scattered across the world)

The Yellow Sacrifices:

  • seen as the lowest of the classes/untouchable caste
  • repair the walls when they get damaged

Everyone gets their food from the heavens. The food rains from the heavens into a magical yellow-green puddle. They all believe that they are a small fragment of a god. They are all unified and work together.

World 2

This world is split into 4 dimensions. The dimensions are Teragus, Akaidrou, Infelrina, and Tempesairef.

Teragus is a cave-like world. However, there’s still some “overworld” surface. Akaidrou is mostly an ocean, with a few islands here and there. Infelrina is a semi cave-like world but the top is usually exposed. It also has a lot of volcanoes. Tempesairef has a lot of very high mountains and sky islands.

Each dimension has a portal, which leads to a place called the interstice. The interstice is around 1 kilometer wide. The portal is usually guarded by 4 leaders, 1 from each dimension.

There are 4 main races, 1 for each dimension.

The Teragus race (Teragusin)

  • Dragon/demon wings
  • Golden hair
  • Dark green skin
  • Brown eyes
  • Power: The ability to create solid out of pure raw mana

The Akaidrou race (Akaidrounin)

  • Giant lancet-like fins as wings
  • Light teal hair
  • Dark blue skin
  • Vibrant blue eyes
  • Power: The ability to create liquid out of pure raw mana

The Infelrina race (Infelrinan)

  • Fairy wings shaped somewhat like fire
  • Dark red hair
  • Orange-brown skin
  • Golden eyes
  • Power: The ability to create burning plasma energy out of pure raw mana

The Tempesairef race (Tempesairefan)

  • White feather wings with purple at the tips
  • Black hair
  • Literal white skin
  • Purple eyes
  • Power: The ability to create gas out of pure raw mana

The leaders for each dimension (commonly called king/queen) is chosen by the previous one. The first leaders are the gods of the world. A chosen leader is much stronger in their magic and can allow or deny people from leaving or entering their dimension. Their main duty is to protect their dimension by banishing bad people.

The races usually can’t leave their own dimension unless a leader grants them permission to do so.

Akaidrou and Infelrina are enemies. Teragus and Tempesairef are enemies but they don’t go out of their way to fight each other that much. When an Akaidrounin is banished for example, the leader throws them into Infelrina where they are half-converted into an Infelrinan. Same with vice-versa. Banished Tempesairefan usually go to Teragusin. Banished Teragusin usually go to Tempesairef. Some banished Tempesairefan and Teragusin may go to Akaidrou or Infelrina.

World 3

This world is messed up by magic. Magic is slowly consuming the world. Most people live on sky islands or high mountains.

Every time magical spells are cast, the magic consuming the world, commonly called the arcane void, grows. The arcane void is a dark purple fog that slowly harms you because it feels like a force slowly bouncing and crushing you. That’s why using spells is mostly outlawed. Despite the danger, some people still make a trip to the ground to find powerful artifacts that were affected by the magic below. Unfortunately, very few survive because their bodies get destroyed by the arcane void.

No one knows why the arcane void even exists. Some say that a god of magic is mad at humans for abusing it. Others say that every time someone casts a spell, it sends a signal to a god and a barrier that prevents magic overflow is slowly destroyed or has to be temporarily opened, letting a small amount of magic flow out.

However, there’s a certain type of magic that slightly reduces or clears the arcane void. This magic, called warding light, is mainly used for countering and destroying other magic. It’s mostly useless outside of that except for generating light.

If you were to hear a story set in one of these worlds, which one?
  • World 1
  • World 2
  • World 3
0 voters

literally ao

i… also got… some… deepwoken and spellbreak inspiration


Sounds awfully familiar to a world I came up with except people live alongside the magic corruption and somewhat even benefit from it, in more extreme cases, even need to live in it.

It’s a giant forest though, so it’s not really AOish.