Thoughts on these magic weapons?


  • A dagger forged from the salvaged blade of a spear. The spear named Kalitsajor was supposed to be enchanted with the ability to drain an enemy’s energy. Something went wrong with the enchanting process that caused it to do the exact opposite. However, the enemy would be invigorated with a dangerous amount of mana. To use this dagger effectively, one must pierce themself so the dagger touches their flesh and yields the full invigorating effect. Be careful, as overuse can cause severe harm or death.
  • Elementless


  • A magical spear forged with the ability to drain an enemy’s mana on hit. The spear has an older copy which was discarded because the enchanting process went horribly wrong and it invigorated enemies with mana instead. The older copy was salvaged to form a dagger called Furinsajor.
  • Elementless

Zephyr Sword

  • A sword forged with the ability to unleash wind that can push back enemies hard but not do much damage. The weapon was very effective in civilian crowd control, was somewhat useful for everyday travel, and wasn’t very effective in battle. The enchanters knew these beforehand and thus, made it into a sword for easy and convenient carry.
  • Wind


  • A very heavy greatsword with a long handle that invokes a hungry bloodlust to the wielder. The wielder slowly damages themself every time they attack due to how hard they’re pushing their body. They can also swing this weapon extremely fast. However, the wielder can heal themself. The wielder would become so hungry using this weapon that they have the urge to eat their enemies alive. In 2020, it was discovered that the wielder became hungry and powerful due to accelerated metabolism. This is also why Haitsenkori has a small fire affinity.
  • Canonically 7 meters long, 36 kg. Feels like a dagger to use (can swing extremely fast)
  • Fire

Phoenix Spear

  • A burning spear of fire and life that can heal its user. There are rumors that even if this spear breaks, it can repair itself. The spear was owned by Isketra, an infamous warlord and healer.
  • Fire | Life

Alakorin’s Equinox

  • A shadow and light affinity magical shortsword. This was a prized weapon by assassins back in the day. The user can encase themself in shadow or blinding light. The shortsword was supposed to be a dagger but it was a bit too long. The first owner was Alakorin, who named the shortsword after themself.
  • Shadow | Light

Annihilator Cannon

  • A giant magic cannon that holds up a lot of magic energy. It only has one move, which is to charge up magic and release it as a giant ball.
  • Elementless

Water Staff

  • Turn all your spells into water attacks.

Fire Staff

  • Turn all your spells into fire attacks.

Earth Staff

  • Turn all your spells into earth attacks.

Wind Staff

  • Turn all your spells into wind attacks.

Lightning Staff

  • Turn all your spells into lightning attacks.

Light Staff

  • Turn all your spells into light attacks.

Shadow Staff

  • Turn all your spells into shadow attacks.

Poison Staff

  • Turn all your spells into poison attacks.

Life Staff

  • Turn all your spells into life attacks.

Spirit Staff

  • Turn all your spells into spirit attacks.

I’m making a game which is current called that magic power simulator and there are weapons. You can equip up to 4 weapons (number not final). I would like suggestions.

Minor Lore

Players have access to magic due to a magical meteor. This is actually the second meteor. The first magical meteor came around a thousand years ago. Players only have access to what’s called unaligned or raw magic and elemental magic requires tools.

Enchanting weapons is a lost and forgotten art that flourished during the time of the first meteor. That’s why there are lost weapons today.

There are also very few people that are still alive today that witnessed the first meteor.

The world might be canonically set in 2024 and the meteor came late 2023.

  • Delete that weapon now
  • Probably don’t keep
  • Meh
  • Possibly a good idea to keep
  • Keep it
0 voters
  • Delete that weapon now
  • Probably don’t keep
  • Meh
  • Possibly a good idea to keep
  • Keep it
0 voters
Zephyr Sword
  • Delete that weapon now
  • Probably don’t keep
  • Meh
  • Possibly a good idea to keep
  • Keep it
0 voters
  • Delete that weapon now
  • Probably don’t keep
  • Meh
  • Possibly a good idea to keep
  • Keep it
0 voters
Phoenix Spear
  • Delete that weapon now
  • Probably don’t keep
  • Meh
  • Possibly a good idea to keep
  • Keep it
0 voters
Alakorin’s Equinox
  • Delete that weapon now
  • Probably don’t keep
  • Meh
  • Possibly a good idea to keep
  • Keep it
0 voters
Annihilator Cannon
  • Delete that weapon now
  • Probably don’t keep
  • Meh
  • Possibly a good idea to keep
  • Keep it
0 voters
Elemental Staffs (in general)
  • Delete them now
  • Probably don’t keep
  • Meh
  • Possibly a good idea to keep
  • Keep them
0 voters

If you could wield 2 of those weapons in that game, what would they be? I’d pick one of the sajor (furinsajor/kalitsajor) weapons and the phoenix spear.

Where the hell did you get those names from? :skull: or what was your thinking process behind them?

Furinsajor works in a pretty interesting way, because you have to carefully damage yourself with the dagger for the mana recovery effect, while it is also capable of exploding enemies with mana overload, sounds like a pretty good weapon concept.
You can also theoretically negate the drawback of Furinsajor by stabbing yourself with the spear variant Kalitsajor, which would negate the effect of mana overload, and in consequence, death.

i dont know, also fun fact but annihilator cannon used to be called insailhenraitor which was a shitty mashup of “incinerator” and “annihilator”

yes i knew that beforehand and it’s canonically true

I’m thinking if I should have a set of “generic” elemental weapons, such as sword/spear/halberd/etc. [Element] + [WeaponType] naming convention.

Should every weapon sound or be special or should there be a “generic/basic” set?
  • Everything should be “special”
  • There should be “generic” weapons such as water/fire/earth/wind spear/sword/halberd/mace
0 voters

also if generic weapons win, i’m “deleting” zephyr sword (will become generic)

concept art for 3 of the weapons, also retconning haitsen to be 24kg

Bro made theese weapons out of osmium

in the lore, magic enchanted blades glow slightly and those with elemental affinities slightly glow in the element’s color

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