Thoughts on Ultimate Arts?

There are three good ult arts.
Post Empires ultimate leap
5x self explosion ult
And wind fling thing.

my blast doing 2400 damage instead of 1000:

At least the giant casting circle it makes looks cool

I think each ult art should add something unique to the spell. Not sure what that would be though (which could explain why it isn’t a thing)

Ultimate Arts are meh on every magic.

Except Wind. Wind is peak magic.

If you think about it, UA is just similar to nornal spells in some ways, technically and mathematically. Comprehensively, UA does an above-normal damage and higher aoe at the cost of extremely long cooldown. On the other hand, basic spells deals the normal amount of damage and normal aoe (all of which are innate uniquely to each magic).

Meaning to say, if you take into account the cooldown of UA and the damage it deals, and compare it to the cooldown of basic spells and the damage it deals. They will come into parity.

Simply, to put it into action, let us say an UA blast deals 400 damage with 15-20 seconds cooldown, while basic blast deals 250 damage with 3-4 seconds cooldown. Uh, if you compute it, basic spells literally do much more damage than UA.

In addition, the start up and endlag of UA takes so long making it risky, causing the enemy to cast 2 spells on you (assuming the opponent has 250 Speed) before the UA can even reach the opponent (You are not even certain if it can hit since the enemy can already predetermine the direction of the attack). All of these will result to a disadvantageous exchange of attacks.

Although I always had these thoughts about the UA of Light magic.

Ultimate Art: Divine Judgement.

As you identify just from its name, the skill is a placed pillar explosion (greatsword shape). Think of it as a black cover light grimoire, the part where a lot of swords appeared in the air, punishing the enemy.

However, since AO does not alloe for such fashionable skills, all I can say is UA is just a way to gimmick or roleplay.


It would be so cool to be Morgott…

nah we should be able to ult art all our moves if we felt like it, just suffering the reprecautions because of the long cooldowns

20 ultimate art hammers goes brrr

I cant wait for me to get ult art blast, because right now piercing gale outclasses blast for me in every way

Kinda funny how warriors won’t get ultimate arts until end of nimbus, ey? Hybrids won’t be seeing em’ on weapons til Vimir.

Yeah, but at least once weapons finally get ultimate arts, they’ll unlock 3 at the same time. I think it’s balanced enough.

the shared cooldown in question:

still a valid point since other classes will only get two

Ultimate arts are gonna share cooldowns across weapons even if they’re completely different skills?

this is probably a good idea but because you are my sworn enemy, i think this is the worst fucking take ever, never suggest again

Morock solos!!!

When are you two gonna make up and become best friends :roll_eyes:


Maybe not, but it’d be changed pretty quick by the balance team if they didn’t.

Imagine someone spewing out 3 sunken ultimate arts at once, it’d be ridiculous.