Thoughts on Ultimate Arts?

In case you’re unfamiliar with them (or need a refresher): You can make any one spell an Ultimate Art, which basically just makes the spell larger and more powerful, but in exchange it has a longer cooldown than normal

That’s how they have been since WoM (I think, might be wrong). What do you think of them? Are they fine as they are, or would you want them to change in any way?

they’re just the regular thing but buffed aoe and damage BORING


they are doodoo

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Wish you could change the 5 circle thing with casting style like you can with normal spells

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Ult arts are cool

Gonna leave my thoughts on this one, personally I think they’re just an afterthought with not much substance put into them. This is how I’d personally change them:
Make certain specific spells “Ultimate Arts” instead, which basically just means that the spell is so powerful that only one of these Ultimate Art scrolls can be applied to a magic

Significantly longer cooldown and higher energy cost for like 10% more damage

can you elaborate this is confusing

i think they’re interesting as a concept but kinda mid in practice
it’s just a slightly stronger attack with a large cooldown

personally i don’t use them bc i think the cooldown is too large to make it worth a spell slot
but they’re viable in terms of pvp


I do hope they get reworked somehow because they are kinda generic atm

yeah but they can’t be too much for rn bec hybrids can’t use

Okii, I’ll try <:3

Basically, some spell scrolls would contain a spell classified as an “Ultimate Art”, these spells’ main characteristic is that they’re really powerful. Hopefully that clears up the confusion! ^w^"

FUCK hybrids pure builds on TOP

go ahead :smirk:

for legal reasons I must specify this is a joke

you better watch out around these streets bud

nice try diddy

Kind of boring as is, it’d be nice if they could instead let players overcharge their spell’s settings (e.g. up to 40 blast counts, 200% blast size, and access to more powerful shapes).

I NEED my Divine Shower…

oh no… a pvp player’s only weakness! showers!!!

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I meant the ultimate light magic spell “Divine Shower” from arcane adventures…

Could be replaced with supercharging and made into something more unique