Thunder Leg
Base Stats:
Damage 0.85x
Speed 1x
Size 0.9x
Thunder Leg is of course a lightning-themed fighting style with decent base stats and a lot of status effect synergies. Compared to Iron Leg, Thunder Leg is faster but has lower damage and size. By itself, Thunder Leg inflicts the “shocked” status effect with it’s attacks. The shocked status effect increases the damage done by lightning attacks by 10%. If a shocked target is inflicted with the soaked status effect they are immediately paralyzed(The same as with lightning magic). All of the other status effect synergies it has are identical to Lightning magic.
Unlocking: To unlock Thunder Leg, you must go to Mount Othrys to find it’s Mentor. After talking to him, he will give you a quest to kill 5 enemies during a Thunderstorm(It can be any type of enemy, either npcs or other players). You will then be able to learn Thunder Leg for 300 galleons as long as you have 60+ strength.
Serpent Fist
Base Stats:
Damage 0.7x(+0.35 poison)
Speed 0.9x
Size 1x
Serpent Fist is a fighting style that focuses on poison, and like thermo fist, it has a charge meter. You can fill up the charge meter by either doing damage, OR getting poisoned yourself(So similar to how Sailor Fist can fill up charge by drinking seawater, you could drink poison potions to fill up your bar quickly). Instead of increasing base damage, filling up your charge meter will instead increase the damage done by the poison effect. At full charge, the damage of the poison would be 0.7x for a total of 1.4x damage. Serpent Fist has the same synergies as poison magic.
Unlocking: To unlock Serpent Fist, you’d have to go to Blasted Rock to talk to it’s mentor. He will give you a quest to kill a Poison Jaws with fighting style abilities. After that, you will be able to learn the fighting style for 300 galleons as long as you have 90+ strength.