Tierlistbased on the types of players who use them

say sike rn

Waaaaa I’m so sad waaahhh wah wahh

unbelievable unbelievable im not even letting you get a slice of trigno’s birthday cake when its hgis birthday

I. Dont. Want. Trigno. Cake.

okay okay thats pretty rude however you cant disagree on the fact that tringo’s pizza is GODLIKE

Verdes ice cream sandwhiches better

i will strangle you on behalf of trigno and trignofan

Oh no I’m so scared

to avoid a lawsuit the trignofanclub and trignofan would like to address this was a joke and would never happen





for legal reasons any people i say the crimes are for s me infact joking but the strangling part is infact true

Verdes goodie bag better probably he gives out laser pointers and glow sticks :sunglasses::robot:

All nonsense aside this is actually really fun lol

brooo trigno’s birthday goodie bags literally have BLUEBERRY MUFFINS IN EM BROOOOOOOOOOOOO with smarties, gummies, AND TO TOP IT OFF HE GAVE ME A 19 DOLLAR XBOX CARD

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verdies is too angry to do shit
fuck verdies
all my homies hate verdies

anyways time to restart my pc because discord broke avsa

Trigno’s goody bags contain the United States nuclear arsenal

yeah he gave me the nuclear codes last year for the us

Verdes gave me r o b u x

Trigno gave me a Dominus B)

Verdes gave me a years worth of premium and a red domino crown with a rainbow shaggya and purple ice crown :sunglasses::sunglasses:

Yeah Joe Biden made a bet that if we beat him in Chutes & Ladders we got access to his world-ending weapons supply