Tips for art practice?

Kinda making this question specifically for the artists on the platform, but what kinds of things do you practice yourselves when doing art studies? and how long do you do it on average? In case I didn’t specify, what do you often draw when doing your drawing sessions? (I feel like I already made it kinda clear I was implying this but you can never know with this forum sometimes)

I just wanna hear your suggestions/preferences so I an apply them to myself.


Try drawing ur ao characters or doodle with some music playing

This is the most vague piece of “”“advice”“” I’ve ever gotten

Brah what do u want me to say

Are you even an artist?

Nope :disappointed:

Then why did you comment :expressionless:

To boost the post

okey dokey I suppose

When drawing, you should be doing stuff that’s about 70% familiar, 30% unfamiliar.

Understand that if you try and do something you’ve never done before in the slightest, chances are it will not turn out well. But, if you only do stuff you’re completely used to and comfortable with, you won’t improve.

So, giving an example of character drawing: don’t try to do a hyper-dynamic pose with overcomplicated clothes in an art style you haven’t done before. Do one of those zig you wish to improve, but trying all of them will frustrate you and won’t get you much of anywhere.

For me, I like to grab a random reference in Pinterest and try to mimic their style just for laughs and giggles. :nod:

Or you can look at random advice that suits for you in Pinterest as well. Sometimes I like to grab a reference,(mostly clothes) and try to draw a person wearing it. I wanna learn how to simplify people body into shape so uh, guess that could work. Idk. I’m no professional.


Oh yeah, one more thing: use a reference when drawing poses. It helps immensely.

Oh yeah forgot to mention something.

Please do not overwork yourself.

If you’re struggling with something during drawing. Please do not complex yourself even more. Even when trying to find an art style.

Unfortunately this happen to me once in the wiki. Since I was trying to keep up with everyone exception of being good. I instead overworked and screwed up so bad that I had to rework my art style again. Please don’t be like me. I’m not a good example of being an artist. :nod:

Practice and experiment. If you want to get better at something, draw it a few times til you get use to it. Also, get out of your comfort zone and try new things as well.

Look up references, there’s a lot of resources out there. I look at pinterest a shit ton when drawing. Take a good look at a reference and break down each part to make it easier to understand. Use simple references since those are easier to follow

It’s easy for me to get inspired from music and art I come across. (Music makes epic battle scene appear in my head). Usually I can draw up to about 7 hours(?), tho don’t do this. It’s not healthy.

Fantastic idea, I just misuse Pinterest in… let’s not bring it up here. References always help, I’ve been using them to help me draw plushie characters more easily.

I remember when I tried drawing with colored lines instead of solid black ones. Made me really pleased with the ones I had at first!

My tip though personally? Don’t be afraid to draft doodles, either for the sake of brainstorming. Experiment with some small doodles first before you plunge yourself in complexity!

So instead just like to find a bunch of memes h there too?

Ppl want to get to practice better at making art. But to most of ppl ik, its just all talk and no effort so when normally ppl say

“Oh u should draw more, practise more, bla bla bla”

Though its not wrong since practice made progress, but u should know the first reason that anchors you to draw it

determination and intention

you need to set your mind to it and promise yourself to make some time to actually draw and improve ur art.

set the mood

Become one with the art, every brush of color every scratch of paper has every intention of progress to be better

There are various ways of practicing art but one of the most practical ones are smart studies and to draw one aspect and focus on it.

For example if you are learning anatomy you should practice mannequinizing their bodies first and practice to twist and turn their simple shapes, don’t just draw actually try to study what your trying to achieve in art.

Find one that suits you best, and also do mind your GRIP on your pens as it actually contributes alot to your strokes and drawing, try to let the weight of the pencil do the work instead of trying to draw as if your writing an essay in class.

Artists need to be consistent in their practice, but do not overwork yourself as art is not a physical practice.

And if you do this long enough you’ll find techniques of your own, such as posing mid drawing to get a pose right (I do this, but my art is mediocre at best)