So I decided that I would work on a build for my poison file, and I know that I want power (to maximize the DOT), magic size (for the clouds), and defense(because I suck at dodging).
Is there a best way to go about this? For example, is it better to get power through armor or necklaces? Should I have gear for the other stats, and get armor from enchantments?
I’m just really bad with builds so if someone could offer some sage wisdom for lil’ old me, I would appreciate it
poison is a bit of a tricky magic because as far as I remember, clouds do not scale with power, same with ash. as for equipment;
gives 89 power and 201 defense
I’ve been rocking this build and variations of it and I enjoy it a lot. if you want more defense, you could replace the poor power amulet with a hard one, or a poor strong defense amulet, ect ect
in the upcoming update, since the level cap will be 90, consider replacing the poor power amulet with a wizard hat. currently, the amulet offers more power, but only by two. that’ll be irrelevant when guilds come out