Title Screen Return

Title Screen Return
effort 5.0 6 quality 5.0 6 reasonability 5.0 7

Just gonna start this off by saying this suggestion is really simple.

The main thing I’m suggesting is that whenever someone chooses to go back to the title screen from the menu ingame, it pops a shield around that makes them invincible to getting combat tagged. So that it prevents combat logging or getting jumped by someone while you return to the title screen.

Of course, this invincibility would only apply outside of combat.


makes sense

that’s not a thing already???

i dont see why that would be neccesary, just find a safe place to hide if you want to return to the menu, it cant take so long that someone would randomly find you if you were hidden behind ravenna castello for example

no place is safe with these gen 5 Deepwoken players

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i would like to see them try and find me when i dive into the ocean popping a water breathing pot or climb mount caesar

i havent used that mechanic alot but sure
would be helpfull

You can say this about quite a few things, and I tend to see this in response to minor and quick to add QoL features.

the truesight potion in my back pocket:

PvP’ers gonna be mad

no reason not to add this

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yeah tbh why isn’t this a thing yet


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