Title system

Disclaimer: kind of a suggestion but no one has said responded to my suggestor request in like 18 days so yk.

Imagine around mid-late game gaining the ability to make your own title. I imagine it would kind of work like a mix of the note place system and the skill creation system in the sense that you would be able to make a title out of set words that connect to your build. Ex: an ice conjuror might have a title like “the frozen blade” while a plasma warlock might have a title like “the superheated brawler” .

Edit: bro how are y’all gonna close it for being a suggestion outside of a suggestion when I applied for suggestions like 20 days ago and haven’t heard anything back :sob:

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I mean It could work the same as our character name goes, something like this:

Platinum2823 (username)
Bronze Sea Explorer (user title/badge)
Vlad Lamina (character name)
The Visceral Knight (character title)

Yeah this is a good way to make it work

I want more TITLES :hungry:

Shadow conjurers on their way to make their custom title “The Dark Knight”

And I’m on the way to make their title similar to that of winterveil

gives access to use magic names (like for crystal pink), FS names (like basic combat for BC), and so on idk

So kind of like: “the basic combat Demon” or “the crystal warmonger” is what your saying right?

we need “baller” for berserkers so we can have “The Baller”

Doubt this will happen due to there being custom titles for people already

Yeah but you know how titles are scrolls right? I think a good way to implement this is to have a quest that gives you a custom title scroll.

yes and like the special names for magic like flash for light or something

Read this before you deleted it

I don’t dislike the idea and think it would be cool but it would kinda undermine the already custom titles handed off to people since everyone would have one at some point
This would give people the ability to copy the name of an already custom title

Yeah it would be a nice system to add even more variety to characters

No but titles would have set words they would not be freely typed. That way people can’t copy the custom titles

Right here

I’d prefer this

Only if u can choose which one you want to display above your head imo bc then this idea would be a little pointless

the equipped (unlockable) title should still change name color (i want a yellow name and orange title)

The custom title should be its own separate title imo because that would make titles more unique