[TLP] How Far Can Willpower Take a Man?

This should have been the end, that’s what Freedrock thought.

In the thousand of years he has lived, Freedrock has never come across such a sight. How? How could a man still stand after all of that? These kinds of thoughts made laps around Freedrock’s mind like light magic. In front of him, his eyes were taking in a terrifying image that made even his cursed core shiver. Lelantos stood there, his face beaten till bloodied like no other. His nose was completely smashed in, his eyes were barely open at the time. Blood ran fresh down his face along with dried blood. His white hair was stained with his blood. Yet Lelantos did not fall. His stance was wide, his presence was becoming even heavier.

“The fuck you made of…?” Freedrock spoke, stepping back as he realized he was much more of a threat…

“Why does that matter… I’m still standing am I not?” Lelantos spoke, his breath heavy and battered.

Freedrock laid his eyes upon Lelantos one more time. This time he saw the damage to his body. No man should be able to stand with that many fractured bones and torn muscles. Freedrock could even see the internal bleeding…

“You’ll die at this rate…” Freedrock mumbled under his breath. Lelantos already has taken a punch that changed the world rotation. On top of all the other blows, Freedrock rained upon him. No man… no man should still stand

Before Freedrock knew, Lelantos had disappeared from his sight

Freedrock felt a force that could not be stopped. He was launched back, being pushed by a tackle from Lelantos. Each step shattered the ground as Freedrock’s feet dug into the ground more. The ground beneath them shattered as Freedrock felt helpless to stop the tackle. Before he knew it he was slammed into a mountain with extreme force. He could feel the small pieces of dirt and rock rain upon them. He quickly tried to counter with a downward elbow, piercing the air as it was about to strike Lelantos. Yet all Freedrock felt was the slippery feeling of blood as the elbow slipped off the blood on Lelantos’s face.

“Fuck” Those were Freedrock’s words before he was met by a punch welded together from broken fingers. For the first time in 346 years, Freedrock felt pain

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Banger of an ending, keep up the great work!



my man cannot fish in peace :sob:

Fun fact, in TLP, he’s a whole-ass demi-god that is viewed as a god by a village.