To be stupid enough to play out her ideas

Hi there.

No, Momma Dragon has nothing special to say about herself, but hi.

She’s mostly looking to see what is most fun in her playthroughs, trade for anything she might want (and mostly loot), potentially make a few angry children even angrier just by playing the game normally, and more.

Oh, and she’s always up for lore discussion and whatever.

No, Crystal is more powerful than swords, you’re just setting the clash of the whirlwind way too high, PLEASE FIX-

Also, Momma Dragon’s a roleplayer, she IS a furry (a scalie specifically), so you can whine about that but don’t bring it up in arguments…

And she has absolutely no idea how to balance things right (or wrong) - just don’t worry too much about that and point out her dumb ideas and why they won’t work out in the long run in a calm manner.

New shell alt just dropped


Welcome to the forums :clap:

How dare you.

Welcome to the forums fellow dragon.

Who are you?

A member of the community, you’ll end up seeing him around.

Shell duplication glitch is real

@Shellseawing yo since when did you split

Welcome to the forums :partying_face:

Dragon these nuts all over the forums

I will end you