Tobi's Magic Circle Hub


Black and red with a gradient? Or solid black and red colors?

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that sounds cool! I’ll have to get to these recolors another time as I’m currently really busy.

green wind looks cool tbh

Wind Magic, Fart Variant

I honestly got no idea

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Vetex’s Custom Magic Discussion

ah shit you know what this means

Tobiemoji_noprob Sorry can’t show it. It’s EPIC though, trust.

Oh you’re the one who made it?

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not the old one

Oh there’s a new and old one?

ye, but idk if I can say more

Quick someone get him to keep talking

safe to say i know all, i aint telling you bozos tho

:rofl: :pray:

I believe it may have already been revealed in other screenshots spread around the community, but I was able to create a magic circle for Vetex’s unique magic, Cataclysm! :poggers2:

I asked Vetex and he doesn’t want the pngs to be public, which is alright with me, even though I’m sure some of you would like to have them. Hopefully, these photos are enough to show it off. :pray:



The circle combines elements of apocalypse and shatter magic. I wanted to give the circle an appearance of instability and cracking, while also infusing it with a menacing and dangerous aura that befits the concept of an apocalypse. I tried to strike a balance between the two so that it wouldn’t lean too heavily into one or the other. Overall I am pleased with the final design, and it’s EPIC seeing it used in-game.


I was also allowed to remake the cracking effects for the magic so that it would be more consistent with the circle design.


Tobi the goat fr!!!

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goated design

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we need these types of designs for lost and ancient magics thatd be goated


Yo tobi any tips on making magic circles? I plan on making my own and know your process could help

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i hope other ancient magics in the future will also get unique circle designs like that, they really make them seem higher tier

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if you are able and willing to divulge, what goes into making the effects for a magic?

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