Top 5 reason eyes best doors entity

What you’re looking at is the best monster in DOORS, honestly eyes is pretty lit as an entity and I’m gonna tell you why eyes is best monster

5: He has human eyes
He’s the only other monster besides seek in the game that uses human eyes as a spooky trait, and tbh, he’s the only other monster in the game that actually has eyes, ambush, rush, jack, halt, and figure all don’t have eyes. Dupe might be an exception, but tbh his “eyes” look more like they’ve been removed.

4: Even the crucifix badge explanation says that killing eyes was a bad idea

3: His gimmick is stupidly easy and he’s such a bro you can touch him as long as you don’t look
You can touch eyes or walk through him, but you can’t look at him, which is incredibly simple as a gimmick as you can just look at the floor.

2: He actually uses proper pronouns, he’s so woke

1: and the best part of all, he illuminates the greenhouse.
eyes has a very strong purple glow that lets him illuminate the floor in the dark and dangerous greenhouse, allowing players to see things without the need of a lighter or a flashlight to locate dangerous entities like snare

sorry for the shitty image quality but basically the player in this video can clearly see snare thanks to eyes being a bro

also correct me if I’m wrong but eyes can block entities sometimes


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wdym ouch

if you look at eyes you take damage

wouldn’t the they implie that it’s multiple???

oh lol

I’ve never played Doors before because for some reason, every time I play a horror game, I get scared :persevere:

I know this lens nothing to the conversation but was sclera reason to make this? It seems really cornea iris I never saw it.

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Well the way eye see it, it’s just for fun

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